
Sorry, but nothing says 'I'm a weirdo' to me like wearing a giant bleeding vagina on your chest. Good sounding cause with interesting sounding art pieces, but sometimes art should just remain art.

VC funding of startups is purely a whitey fratbro society.

Of course, but we also have to be sure that women aren't being left out simply because they are women. It also goes as far back as encouraging young girls in STEM fields. When you introduce the idea that girls get baby dolls and boys get building blocks that early, it can seriously shape a personality.

As someone who works with tech startups, I keep seeing this passed off as "culture." I can think of 4 right off the top of my head where the founders only brought in people just like them - white guys under 35 - and explained it as "it's important to have a good cultural fit" and so on. They tend to have these

I'm sure it's difficult to find a female employee who fits in with your company culture when your company culture contains a sizable amount of misogyny.

Damn, I hate it when Pharrell and Kanye and Li'l Kim text me when I'm in the middle of an interview with Rolling Stone, explaining how I am 100%, for-realsies, not exploiting black people.

Wait, are you sure you are black? Because according to Miley, all the black people say it's cool.

"Now people expect me to come out and twerk with my tongue out all the time. I'll probably never do that shit again."

Honestly, I think she's being encouraged not because she's right, but because these black artists have been around the block. They know what sells. And they are acutely aware that attaching themselves to her sexual revolution will earn them press, possibly fans and definitely money. I think it's a calculated (if

wow, black people don't agree everything?

Miley needs a seat. I'm so damn tired of her. Go away, child.

I'm black and Latrice Royale sums up the exact thing I thought when I read that title. So, I'm gonna go with no. Not racist or appropriation.

The gays are getting married, we're all collaborating

Ugh, every time she says homie my cringometer goes to 11. It's like listening to your dad trying to sound "with it" talking about "that hippity hop" in front of the boy you have a crush on or something. (In this comparison, you are in 9th grade, FWIW.)

Maybe you should take a look into the press that came out after that song was released... I know it's hard to process but some artists don't write their own songs.

But y'know, you all are a monolith! Kanye said it's ok! /so very sarcastic

So yea, I'm black, and definitely not supportive of anything that has anything to do with Miley

"They're my homies."
