Deerskin Doll

Yes you are calling them racists, but doing so like an absolute coward. The entire thrust of this news story is that this woman discovered she was a) adopted and b) raised as a presumptively different race. It is a relevant question to the story which the sister addressed, probably at the request of the interviewer.

As I’ve said in a few other comments, I have no need of this expression, as no one ever calls me racist (I’m not white), except maybe on the internet. However (and, again, as I said in other comments), I’d like to know how much self-righteous indignation I should reasonably bring to bear against anyone who uses the

Actually saying something insensitive doesn’t = racism. Racism is the belief in the superiority and/or inferiority of one race over another. Making a comment like “I don’t care if she’s purple” does not denote that the speaker feels superiority or inferiority of one race of another. Your understanding of what makes a

Just because people don’t say the right thing doesn’t mean they are racist. Not everyone is sophisticated enough to know how to properly address race. And quite frankly it’s not an easy discourse to have.

I’m not an internet random. I’m a reader of your website. So is everyone else in this thread. This blog is meant to be a spot where women are empowered. If you look at the replies to this thread, a number of women who are tall feel that the writer was marginalizing their struggles with having atypical body types.

How about you edit your article

I love all of these threads about her face. It’s definitely the right thing to criticize, because while she is racist and homophobic, ultimately the most important thing is that she’s a woman, and so we must always criticize her by referencing her appearance.

I hope none of you complaining about Iggy’s face were also complaining about the maxi dress thing. Iggy’s crimes do not include the face she was born with or the face she may have purchased.


i have become an accidental kardashian stan because of the unnecessary vitriol they face. they could literally cure cancer and give away all of their money to starving children and people would still be FURIOUS.

How can you be so sensitive as to think that a joke about stripper fashion is synonymous with demonizing sex workers, and yet then turn around and throw a gendered insult at the woman who made it?

No, that wasn’t my intention at all! I’m sorry it came across that way (it’s about 10:30 at night here and I’m quite ready to turn in for the night). I get your points about the importance of Spanish and accuracy in reporting, and I agree with it.

Ah, the truest form of feminism: judging other womens choices as wrong because they differ from yours.

Holy shit, Dude. It’s clothing. I am a short, chubby white woman from Minnesota, knocking on middle age’s door and I wear Lilly Pulitzer. And I have worn the brand for 20 years. I’m not especially wealthy, nor does my family name grace any building. I just like bright colored clothing in the summer. I’m not a bimbo

Smarkiness aside, I do think it’s kind of sad that women feel the need to apologise for having an opinion on a feminist website. I don’t play that game. Too bad if you think that makes me a troll.

It’s a necessary preemptive measure on jezebel, if you’re white and you’re going to have an opinion on race issues it had better be as meek and timid as possible, stating clearly that you're aware of your whiteness and privilege and you're not just some white feminist.

It made me extremely uncomfortable, too. I didn't enjoy the tone taken towards the feminist organisation and I didn't like the implicit apologies being made for rape culture in college sports.