Deerskin Doll

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

How is this patronizing?

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

I don’t know, I feel it would be cliched and really boring to simply make William go from obviously a decent guy who is trying hard not to be an asshole to a psychopath. What’s so terrible about having just one damn character on a show actually trying to be a good person? I found his introduction to the show really

That’s interesting because I feel almost the exact opposite. I think it’s a pretty common trope that in any story that offers characters an unlimited playground to, “find out who they really are,” it is a foregone conclusion that they will discover themselves to be murdering, raping psychopaths. And the first

You’ve been bamboozled by the liberal media. Sure, anyone will look bad if you quote them directly on the things they said. You gotta look deeper at what they really meant.

I’m seeing an awful lot of people online this morning on various news sites commenting on the Kim story saying “they should have killed her.” or “too bad she survived, because she’s a whore.”

Yeah, I was like “oh, what a nice leotard! Oh look, another leotard! Ah, well... I see... Leotards.”

That’s a reality show I would watch: Real Housewenches of the Ancient Holy Roman Empire.

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

I have a hard time on a feminist blog finding a way to be anything but Team Taylor on this one. She may have an incredibly planned public persona and is annoyingly twee (can we PLEASE retire #squadgoals forever ??), but Kanye is the literal worst.

“I’m not sure that you get to tell an Asian woman what Asian stereotypes she gets to be offended by.”

Only of course Germany is probably the only country who did think about what elements of their culture allowed for atrocities to take place and the only country to openly and continuously condemn their past. For fucks sake, up until the World Cup in 2006 Germans were even uncomfortable waving their flags for fear of

These posts wherein American writers are befuddled by the humor of other countries are kind of embarrassing. Atonement for the Holocaust is practically culturally enshrined in Germany at this point, as far as I know (please chime in to correct me, German friends). This is absurdist and not making light of the

You say “lol,” I say the very first image shows him in a beautiful club collar, which would have been unknown in slave-owning America, a fact which one doesn’t even need to be very good at Google to figure out.

Eh, I find the insinuation lacking in ya know - an understanding of his heritage and fashion history.

Even so (and yes, the rush to damn him for saying it while slamming her is weird af), I have a hard time believing that he is unaware that the entire quote is what raised hackles. My read is that he is acknowledging that it was shitty and that he is owning that he said it but the Guardian chose to only go with the