
RPG elements are fine in a multiplayer game. They just need to go all the way and have level caps on matches, or better yet... do it with a point system. Set up the n00b servers for a cap of 400 points and so fourth. Vets can play on there but they can only spend 400 of the 50,000 points they've earned thus forcing

Yeah, know that I think on it, I did play Thief 2 for a bit in college until a glitch forced me to quit it. I was so sad because I was having a lot of fun! Never been more terrorized at a blocky steam-powered machine with a human-like face. It shocked me to see such a monstrosity among knights and the like. After

I agree man. Some of the best parts for me in HL 1 and 2, Deus Ex, and Thief 3 were the quit moments before the fight. Sneaking up into an abandoned orphanage and hearing the haunted sounds of something out of this world, infiltrating a robot factory under the cover of night, crawling through a vent to escape the

Gotta play that game. I guess you could say interactive FPS began with Half Life back in 1998, and was taken to the next level with System Shock 2. Perhaps the progression began with HL, which could have influenced SS2, and then HL2, and then Bioshock, and then Bioshock Infinite, and then... Half Life 3!

Heh... please no more Duke! I have never played System Shock 2, though I will be getting it once it comes out on Steam (if ever). I heard they are working for a patch so it can play on our modern computer. I may be using my fuzzy logic here but I seem to remember the developers of Bioshock talking about being

I didn't mean to give the impression that I don't want us to even TRY it. I'm just bringing up some concerns. I don't even know how cluttered it is out there. It could be nice and clean. It is something to look into before sending a multi-billion dollar ship through space. It is people like me that tactfully

Personally I think this is well deserved. Though I'm a little biased (I've got 155 hours of play time on that game alone).

I conspire that this was all part of the plan. Give HL2 game of decade so Gabe will get the hint... Gabe? Are you even listening?

That's fine it was an enjoyable read:) Sleep well random citizen!

Well I can't say that will be the only thing that happens. But you do make a good point. Gentleness is a better approach then being a door-to-door salesman.

Ok Evil I'll keep you posted. I listened to to your remix of "Don't Stop Me Now." I like the pop-sounding dance groove you got going there.

That's awesome I'll have to check that out! It reminds me of Aristotle's notion that music could heal people. Well he may have been wrong physically, but I do think he was right spiritually and emotionally. Psychoacoustics seems to be the scientific study of that emotional effect as it pertains to the neurons of

Keep posting stuff like this Kotaku... because it IS an actual problem that NEEDS to be solved. And posting stories about the problem puts it on our minds so that over time, hopefully, things can change. Heck just look at where we were a hundred years ago, women couldn't vote or hold high positions in the job

You know... as a musician and composer I never really studied this side of things. I really owe it to myself to give this a deeper look.

Yes! I hear there are some fascinating studies going on in this direction. Will music of the future be confined to the well-tempered diatonic scales of yesteryear? Or will we move on towards the scientific sounds born from the very nature of harmonics! It is an amusing thought.

I was specifying the EXACT type of music that is in the great continent of Africa. Because there is A LOT of it. Calling it African tribal music is not derogatory. It IS music that WAS made by tribes who LIVED in Africa, as apposed to Egyptian middle Eastern Music and all the others.

He did cover harmonics at least, the very basis of Western Harmony. Though Aristotle confined it all to a scale of only seven notes. Rhythm and dancing would cover African tribal music, which combined with Western music to create Jazz and eventually Rock and Roll.

That was a beautiful video! I'm going to share it with everyone I know, including all my piano students:)

That's true azelsperch.

It's a good point to make. Honest story-telling is best! Of course I never got into the AC series as a whole. I may give AC3 a try when I can get it for 5$ on a Steam sale.