
Fullmetal for the win! It was really innovative for its time, even for today! Very untroupe like in many ways. Brotherhood was even better for me. It had tighter storyline structure. The characters are timeless! Pride and the female general from the North are my favs.

I hope your over exaggerating on suing a game company because they made a crappy game. The court system should not be a place for frivolous lawsuits like this (as it tends to be used for right now).

It had a point A to B system like many shooters do, but the environment was often open in that you could choose how you got to that next area. That was my point. FarCry 2 and 3 have taken those moments in the first game (which were always my favorite parts) and made it the whole game.

I played the first one and part of the second. Each FarCry has it's own protagonist (or in FC2's case set of protags to choose from). The stories from 1, 2, and (through trailers) 3 is different. Even the settings have changed. In short there seems to be little to know connection with each story. Only the

Captain America 2! Without the Hydra agents... and without um... wait a minute.

This is great, it reenforces the idea of connecting computers to the TV. My roommate has already done this years ago but I don't think it's as common as it should be. Also creating the functionality of the xbox 360 controller is rather nice.

Every sense I've heard of this scream... I hear it all the time!

I know man. It's like half the population suddenly has a voice or something.

I like this move on Valve's part. It gives Steam a more swiss-army functionality. To those worried that Steam is moving away from gaming (for some strange reason) Steam has had it's SDKs ready for you to download under the tools tab for many years now. I spent over a hundred hours as hobbyist creating multiplayer

Confessions... I bought an extra copy of Portal 1 and 2 on a steam sale to gift to my significant other... once she's found. And anytime a friend of mine wants to play the game in co op I make up an excuse, because I want to experience it for the first time with my woman... whoever she is.

That is making a bit more since to me. Is it like the stretched out sheet used to describe how gravity effects a third dimensional space? The sun would be a dip in that sheet pulling objects towards it and so fourth? Or is it more like the distance between our Sun and alpha centauri is 3.4 light years away, the

I get it now. So in essence it acts like a wormhole as seen in Deeps Space Nine.

Yeah... I remember now. Sigh. Despite this memory laps, I promise my nerdom is authentic.

The anime sounds innocent enough. I think it has something to do with the success of its creator. Someone in his past is bitter towards him for some reason and does not want him to succeed.

I feel so... um... I'm 30 years old but... oh man! Give me your address and I'll mail you my nerd card:)

It is comforting to read these! Our society has already changed so much in this direction. It will only move further on!

Oh I'm not saying we don't try! I'm just pointing out something that we may have to overcome while trying. Heck I don't even know if the point I'm making is valid or not! Maybe matter has no hold on a ship that is binding space and time.

Yeah I still don't quite understand how this thing moves while not moving... is it traveling through a wormhole? And if there is a need to side-step things like say a sunless planet three times the size of Jupiter, would you have time to side-step it? And what would happen if you just went through it?

That quote... is it BSG?

It really isn't that hard of a game if you remember one thing... f6 is your friend.