
This was frikin hilarious! I teach piano here in the states, often to doctor's kids who have come to America from other countries. Sometimes their relatives come to visit. The best we can do is smile and node... to our mutual discomfort.

I know Kotaku is a video game website, but some news is just too awesomely hilarious to pass up. Some give you grief for posting these stories. I love 'em!

Keep articles like this coming Luke. The best way way can change societies thinking is by exposing underhanded crap like this.

You both are making some good points. Personally I relate more with m9105826 s perspective since I'm not a sexist male myself, thus I'm not around many sexist comments. But on your side of things Sarah, I'm sure that you hear underhanded comments all the time. The problem is that it's so hidden. Articles like

Sounds like a really cool game. Hate all the drama surrounding it. I hope this article wraps it all up never to be spoken of again.

Wouldn't traveling to a nearby star at tremendous speeds (or at tremendous space/time fluctuations) by rather dangerous? The way isn't as crisp and clear as they show it in Star Trek what with brown dwarfs and dark matter/energy bits in between.

This is a good call. I'm one of the few who loved Bioshock 2 better than the first game (honestly I think people are too harsh with B2). A tear comes to my eye when I think about how much better the game would have been if all it's resources were spent towards making a great single-player experience.

I'm about 90% sold on this game now. The problem with FarCry 2, for me anyways, was the lack of animals. It was set in Africa and no animals? Of course there were other glaring issues: the the main character (whichever person you chose) didn't seem personally motivated and they often took the controls away from you

Your point would make sense Ghando if eye were an editor.

This is "A New Hope" for us all. Episodes 1 2 and 3 were lacking in well-written stories. I hope the Disney "Empire Strikes Back" with something better. It would be nice to have a "Return [to] the Jedi" movies that we know and love.

It isn't sexist to create a realistic progression for a young woman who had no intentions of becoming a badass. She is forced into it by her surrounding circumstances. Thus she would start out weak and unwilling to kill. Heck I'd start out the same way in her situation because last time I checked, I never had to

It looks more like a repeat sign than a colon double bar line. The two dots are in just the right place for the repeat, moved in closer together than a colon. So I'd read it "Evangeline Repeated". I guess you could loosely translate that to "Evangeline Reboot".

I love your game especially the various races that you have and their stories. Do you have plans to make the bird-like race, the Tengu, a playable character in the future?

Harry is a great example of an extreme capacity for right-brain thinking. Most people see the right brain is simply creative. It is that but in a deeper context it means taking two fundamentally different notions (in this case gaming and doctoring) and finding a way to make them work together.

Yeah I can understand how that would be crazy. I never finished Homeworld 2's single player. It's campaign had a wonky difficulty system, and I really missed the traditional salvage corvette. By the end of the first game I had nine destroyers and six battlecruisers, most of them stolen.

I can't help but love this shinny beams of destruction. My friend destroyed everything I owned during a multilayer match, everything but a carrier. So while he was destroying the other players, I built a ton of ion cannon frigates. When I focus fired his big ships it was like a death star on steroids... and it was

First world problems.

The footage you posted of the "new units in action" is a dated post. Since the beta they have gotten rid of the warhound unit. The battle helien is now called a hell bat. In the hell bat mode it is treated like a marine or marauder in that medics can heal them. Also widow mines no longer act as your typical land

Yes please!

I was about to say the same thing! I quit the game when my mission took me to the second island. My roommate beat the game without cheats but he was not a happy camper. It really got ridiculous towards the end, which is fine, but the lack of check points in a modern video game is inexcusable.