
that actually sounds amazing! If only tickets to Japan were cheaper.

Sigh indeed.

I was hoping they would use a black protagonist like in the movie American Gangster. Imagine playing Denzel Washington, a family man and a king pin all in one.

I am deeply offended by your comment against the greatest of all arts! Please provide an apology video. No smirking.

Possible titles include

A gimmick huh, like the tons of money Dishonored has made? Is that Monopoly money? Some sort of trick of the eye? Does this mean that Bioshock Infinite, another single-player exclusive game, is going to fail? Sort of like the first Bioshock, considered by many to be the best game of all time, was a failure? If

Great article. A fascinating study on the failure to produce something of quality. I remember the hype surrounding Too Human. I was pumped about this game. It had such beautiful potential. I think the greatest problem is Denis Dyack's failure to manage or accept constructive critique from his colleagues. Quailty

No no, it's like a World of Warcraft top down view, where you build and manage resources and armies in real time... but it's set in space!

I agree Klink. The USA are not perfect by any means, but we do tend to enjoy extraordinary amounts of freedom. The Middles Eastern countries are not always so open when it comes to women rights and religious freedoms. Not to make a blanket statement out there cause it isn't always the case and there are some

My friend Mr. Troll is wondering if that's a new heart of the swarm unit?

Brick's voice sounded different in this game. I could be wrong because I didn't play much of him in the first but I seem to remember a deeper voice. In B2 I got really tired of being called "slab" all the time. I get it dude, I'm your bestest friend after your dog died, now leave me alone to kills some shit!

My main grip with that story is that the writer holds on to too much of the plot. He is too secretive. There's plenty of mystery but no resolution. I honestly think the author knew nothing of where he was going so he just went no where... I could be wrong but the game has done nothing to prove me otherwise... and

I never understood the story. I wish there was more interaction. Games are about touching a world and this touch simply wasn't there. Maybe a holodeck version of the game would be more enjoyable. Being constrained to walk instead of run was frustrating. You shouldn't force your players to experience a game only a

I hate you!... but i don't know why?

Down with the humans! I started out with a level 60 Asura Engineer, adding a level 20 Char Ranger and a level 21 Norn Warrior later on. Next I plan on doing a Silvari wizard-like class, and (if they ever let me) I'd love to make a Guardian with the Asian/ bird-like race who so fiercely guard their realm. Here's

Agree 100% with this! How many wonderful games have been chopped because of whinny gamers? How many dev jobs have been lost because fanboys don't get exactly what they wanted. I played the first Prey and beat it. Yes it had a cliffhanger but who cares! Either we get Prey 2 or we get nothing set in that

A friend and I just finished beating the single player mission to Fall for Cybertron on PC. It was quite the thrill ride. It had a great feel about it, like I was playing an episode of Transformers on TV. I'm just wondering why it wasn't as well received as it should have been. What are the flaws you see to the

How much of an influence do stock holders have over mega publishers? Can they vote away an idea that they think wouldn't sell?