
Am I the only one who notices how Homeworld has influenced this game? Notice the look of the ship design, the tactical map display, and the ion blasts! I'm okay with this btw.

The door is grinning at him!

I bought a mad Catz R.A.T. series a few years back. It handled well until it stopped working after a few months. No matter what mouse pad I used the pointer kept getting stuck on the screen. It wouldn't move. 100$ down the tube.

I bought a mad Catz R.A.T. series a few years back. It handled well until it stopped working after a few months. No matter what mouse pad I used the pointer kept getting stuck on the screen. It wouldn't move. 100$ down the tube.

No problem man. All time signatures can be broken down to 3s and 2s. That is the trick for understanding the complected ones. For example Dave Brubeck's Take 5 is in 5/4 time. But it can be broken down to 123-12/ 123-12/.

This one took me a long while figure out. It sounded at first like a 6/8 rhythm, but it was tripping over itself a bit. So I added a count and started counting to 7. This hit it just right for me.

I was invited to spend Thanksgiving with a Kurdish family. Talked to a guy from Iran (he's lived in the US for a year). He's 28 and studying to be a doctor. He's a PC gamer but he hasn't heard about Steam. Apparently they don't have good internet access over there. He heard about Grand Theft Auto V, bought a PS3

She is taller than the others. She's just kneeling down a bit.

Here's an idea... Instead of making Prey 2 a spiritual successor to System Shock 2... why don't you just make System Shock 3?

And now... its on to Wall-Mart

All that means is Halflife 1 is coming to Xbox 1. Not the first Xbox mind you but the third one coming out this year.

The premise of that games sounds awesome. I have major respect for Neil Gaiman as an author. Just finished his book "Ocean at the End of the Lane". There is something truly magical in the way that he shapes things into being with his words. I'm very interested to see how he can bring that magic to a video game.

I loved Cataclysm. Such a great story and the ships were really unique. If I'm not mistaken it was made by a different company so maybe the rights are just floating out there somewhere.

A lot of these are very trope ridden. If it weren't for the modern tech I'd say they were made in the 90s. Perhaps it is the trailers that make them so yawn worthy, like the horrid trailer for the awesome Dredd movie. I hope that is the case here. I would love to be pleasantly surprised.

I swear... I just read your comment and it said that you posted it 33 mins ago!!!!

Project Spark did look amazing! I love the idea of creating my own world and game mechanics for that world. I hope it is both simple in understanding and diverse in how many ways you can go with it.

Just finished listening to the conference. Some of the games were kind of neat but everything seemed so... movie-like. Nothing interested me except for Dead Rising 3, Halo, and Spark. Spark is coming to Windows 8 as well. none of this is worth 500$ plus the 180 dollars it would take to buy those games.

They did the same thing with Halo 2 which required that you have Windows Vista... on a whim I was doing a search for Halo 2 the PC version because I wanted to play the co op with my roommate... I have yet to find a legal copy of it! Do they really want my money?


lol almost thought you were about to spoil something! I've had a few tid bits spoiled while reading forums. Was averting my eyes from your post until I read sand worms.