How many people do you know?
At the risk of sounding glib, perhaps the reason you found it a weak year for games was because, by your own admission, you didn't play any new games?
Ack. Wrong response. Bloody comment system.
Your angry tone is hilarious given how wrong you are.
Dude's got a point, I've never seen you do anything but whine. Which is funny, given the topic of conversation.
I have a thing for reach.
Actually in my experience it's the readers doing the ostracizing rather than the publishers (devs generally don't handle any of the PR stuff) and there's a common fallacy that because of a lot of people think something is good, it isn't, and they're quick to label that as bias.
I love the idea that all reviewers are part of some kind of horrifying critic hive-mind, and that any deviation from the general consensus is wrong.
Name Game. Did you just accuse me of liking CAD? That's harsh, man.
It's actually a very charming little strip. IN MY TOTALLY UNBIASED OPINION.
Jesus, I never realized how fucking many of us there are.
That's the strip's central character.
PA has done it before too. I recall a very similar strip about Madden. It's a fairly obvious joke, really.
I would be worried about scratches on the screen if I hadn't already been blinded by the 3d effects. *_*
It's also about as user friendly as a cactus.
Sorry. Dueling Analogs is hilarious? The "how do they get the mushrooms into the box?" joke is as old as time itself.
No. Kotaku did legitimately get hacked. I was just putting two and two together and getting six.
I write it, specifically.