General News. You can see my pieces every weekday under the name "Grey Carter." They are mostly terrible thus far.
General News. You can see my pieces every weekday under the name "Grey Carter." They are mostly terrible thus far.
So i got a/another job at the Escapist. I write news now. I have a new found respect for you guys.
Bible Black referenced my source material, if you catch my drift.
I utterly agree. She's a shrieking, bulgy eyed harpy and scarcely a scene goes by where I don't want to physically leap out of my chair and punch her.
ENglishman here. I love Indian Curry but there's a special place in my heart for that Japanese style Glico Curry stuff we used to get for school dinners. That shit is the ultimate comfort food.
As awful as this is, damn Eddie Murphy has fantastic facial control. He just nails those expressions.
I'd tend to disagree. Bioware writes decent characters but can't design an overarching plot for toffee.
What? Losing weight? No. I'm doing it because I don't want to fall off rocks half way through climbing them.
Hey kotaku. Summer is rolling around (or is rolling right now, or has rolled over you) and I've decided to take part in the perpetual cycle of weight loss/gain. I finally got my membership in "fitocracy" and I have 10 invites. Anyone need one?
Protip: People actually leaving a site don't announce they're going to leave. They just leave.
THe backgrounds are awful, scarcely textured, flat boxes. I love Godhand, I love it a lot. But presentation wise the game feels half finished.
Protip: Characters don't have to be likable to be good characters.
A very nicely written piece, Owen.
That would be Marcus Fenix.
The idea that some people think the lack of towns was the biggest problem with FFXIII honestly boggles the mind. How about the writing? Did they fix that?
*vaguely recognises the X-change title*
Bayonetta syndrome would be her head being tiny in proportion to her body. Try again.