
Yeah, I’ve gotten to the point where sex is nice but not really worth the hassle. Orgasms have always been difficult for me, doubly so with a partner (they’re distracting, lol). Best sex I’ve ever had was with another woman, because god love men but they don’t know what the fuck even they’re doing, especially if you

So much this. Coupled with so many bad sexual experiences, like where I felt pressured to do something that felt good for him but did nothing for me.

A more likely theory is that because sex has been so consistently unrewarding for so many straight women, they’re not responding positively to anything because there is no psychological reinforcement of this equal pleasure.

As my married best friend says, the best female viagra would be a husband that does his share of the housework and parenting and a workplace that actually accommodates working mothers’ needs.

Bloomberg didn’t join this race to beat Trump. Bloomberg’s a lifelong Republican; he could have primaried Trump if that was his real goal.

Two things can be true at once. She’s being erased and she made some huge missteps that torpedoed her campaign. My personal favorite was when she walked right into Trump’s trap and took that DNA test. For others, it was her waffling on Medicare for All.

From what I understand (based on what I read on her website and Sanders’ website), their plans are basically identical but her plan has a slower roll out. I’m not even a huge fan of M4A, but this seems like a minor difference that’s been made to look like she suddenly cuddled up to the healthcare industry and

If you haven’t already, you should check out Warren’s plan to restore the power of labor unions in America. There’s a lot there (go figure that someone who takes notes with different-colored pens during an impeachment hearing would put together hyper-detailed policy proposals), but one detail I think is particularly

Men will always be scared of women smarter than them (which is the majority of women. DJT the Impeached is an example) They don’t like her plan to tax their inflated wealth, and that she has more stamina than men half her age, myself included. She’s my choice for sure.

I feel like the press is so bored they have to turn all of this into a goddamn game show, and we all get to pay the price. Our politics is stupider, our understanding is shallower, and our democracy is slouching into ruin.

>Fervent supporters of Bernie Sanders, who is Warren’s closest ideological counterpart, will likely never switch their allegiance; they’re with him to the end and are uncompromising on the issue of Medicare for All.

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

I will never understand picking Sanders over Warren, but what do I know? (Not as much as I thought!!)

Sanders’ comments that being a woman is a liability somehow turning into a problem for Warren [kisses fingers] I mean that is some primo top shelf horse shit.

Well, she’s paid for her missteps more than anyone else, hell she even paid for Sander’s mistep (a woman can’t win.) The media HAS taken its focus off of her no doubt, she’s not getting positive coverage at all. Hell, this is a “supposedly” feminist site, and the loudest political blogger here, has been writing

I think she started getting erased as soon as she proposed the plan for her wealth tax. Who owns the media? Rich people. God forbid they pay their fare share — which they might have to if Warren is elected. 

You’d have to be real fucking stupid to not believe their birth sex to be a huge advantage in competitive sports. Like, really fucking stupid. Stupid enough to deny a huge statistically significant difference between their average physical abilities. Stupid enough to call that, oh, just another common advantage /

So the very genetic traights that allowed men to subjugate women for millenia (statistically more powerful builds) dont matter in sports? thats laughable. If you take raw data at the competition level and remove sex then the top spots in nearly every sport and athletic field would belong to a biologically male

They are not wrong. Male DNA absolutely is an unfair advantage when it comes to sports. It is ludicrous to suggest otherwise. I could honestly see this becoming biologically born males eventually controlling two different sports leagues—the “women’s” and the men’s. Women have had to fight for every sports right they

This article is such empty SJW signalling. Fallon Fox, btw, has quite literally broken a woman’s skull. She lost in the above mentioned fight because her opponent used BJJ techniques to submit her (a method that is useful when fighting an opponent who’s much larger/stronger than you.) It’s unpopular in the current