
What would happen if every pro-choice doctor, nurse, pharmacist etc banded together and said, “Fuck it, I’m not denying women care”?

Anyone who would have a relationship with Trump is as big a monster as he is.

These rulings strip women of their humanity and burden men with the job of treating women like owned objects - like slaves they are expected to control. The is Christian Sharia Law in the US, and this is what Patriarchy is.

Can we stop talking about the family who gained fame from a man murdering his ex wife and her boytoy, and daughter making a sex tape for ONE DAY please?! I swear, I've said it before and I'll say it again: if I had enough cash and the brain of an evil genius, id find a way to shoot that entire family and everyone

“I suffered from an unfair, inefficient, and antiquated way of doing things that could have easily been improved so you have to suffer too!” -You

WOMEN. We cannot defend our sex-based rights if we don’t have a clearly defined class, separate and distinct from men. This does not affect “incarcerated people”. It affects incarcerated WOMEN, especially those currently locked up with violent men, who will be raped and not allowed to have an abortion. Jezebel, you

The end game is rolling back ALL rights of everyone but white Republicans.  First, stripping voting rights and the protections of the voting rights act.  Then abortion, arguing both the abortion is murder and that it should go to the states.  They will use the equal protection clause to say that it protects the

Republicans want to use the government to control your lives. It’s not just that they won’t stop at abortion. They’ve already started in using the government to decide who gets to vote, what books you get to ready, what curriculums you’re allowed to study, who is allowed to get married. Dems need to wake up and get

I wonder if some of their base will turn when they start going after IVF. All those unsuccessful embryos and the ones that don't get implanted are "murdered".

To me, the deciding factor is the risk of death. CDC statistics show that 0.4 of 100,000 abortions result in death. CDC statistics show that 17.4 of 100,000 pregnancies result in death. The only way you can justify literally forcing a woman to continue a pregnancy against her wishes and thereby increase her chance of

so far, the only arguments i’ve seen made are rooted in the esoteric.  it only becomes an ethical concern if you begin to believe that a blob of cells gestating inside a woman has some form of “soul” or “life” beyond just the motive forces of cellular life.  so not really, because most arguments center around the

The abortion debate has been distorted by both sides to the point that it’s ridiculous. You have one side insisting that a clump of cells that has zero resemblance to a human is a human and the other side insisting that a fully formed fetus isn’t a human until a woman’s given birth. Both arguments are completely

i suppose it’s not made “casually” if you have some sort of convictions as to the life of the fetus/zygote/blob of tissue?  for those of us who don’t believe in invisible dudes or ghosts in clouds or santa or the easter bunny, it’s a pretty straightforward decision.  but for someone who does have some sort of spooky,

Kim Kardashian perpetuates unrealistic body images that contribute to lifelong mental and physical problems for young girls.  She is decidedly NOT feminist and shouldn’t be obsessed over in this space. 

If those hospital staff did indeed report her to the authorities, they and the hospital need an enormous HIPAA investigation mounted against them, and whoever was involved in it need to have their licenses permanently revoked.  

I’m sorry, “I want to be one” is not a good enough answer. I thought that for trans women it’s being trapped in the wrong body; not a want, but a need. I don’t WANT to be a woman; I just AM. It is imposed upon me for two weeks out of the month; I have a vagina that secretes things, which is gross. I am treated like a

Odd that they don’t feel the need to define what a ‘man’ is, and how to define people who don’t fall into either or fall into both of their definitions.

But it’s not actually possible according to a lot of people. There are tons of people who would say that simply asking that question makes you transphobic, even if it’s asked in good faith. I’ve seen it plenty of times here.

Yes, is womanhood a deep intrinsic ‘knowing’ like in your soul or is it simply an indoctrination of social norms? Or both?

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) described a woman as “an adult female of the human species” (we love to see a sitting U.S. senator describe women like members of a puppy litter).