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Not everything in life is better in slow motion:

I think anyone asking "why" truly wants to know. I would have been happy if he just said "because I fucking wanted to". No one would continue the "why" thought process after that. At this point, the author makes it seem like there may actually be more to his decision, when really there isn't.

I'm just saying I've seen apps on an Android phone that was not as "nice" as the iOS version. Then you have WP7 devices that really don't require the crazy specs, but you also have the WP7 app selection, or lack of selection I should say.

Don't get caught up in specs. You'll have a really shiny phone with little and/or sub par/sub performing app selection. Decide what you want to do with the phone then go looking for what fits your needs.

You sound like you're in the same exact position I was in last June. My ATT contract was up in June, I was thinking the new iPhone announcement would have been made for the 5, and I would switch to Verizon for better service. The true 5 didn't come and we got a 4S several months later than expected. The good news

Riddick confirms this to be true.

This would become a "body bag" for the iPad HD.

This iteration of iPad is interesting as I think Apple is approaching a crossroad. Keep adding cores and the software to utilize it and you'll have heating issues with passive cooling. All the while requiring yet more battery to maintain the usage time. The next iPad or two will be really interesting as they've


I'm happy for Apple, but I'm patiently waiting for Win8 tablets to start surfacing.

Probably Florida and Texas..... I don't think the colder regions will complain after shoveling snow.

Not much else to say.....

Probably that one is Japanese designed and the other is not.

Let me give some advice on describing the male phallus. For one, if it's 600 lbs and several feet long, that thing is a "COCK". No other way to describe it. You work you're way down to a "dick", which is respectable, but probably average. Then finally the "penis", which you apply to something that has no other

"What is your phone number?"?

I read your post like Kanye at the MTV awards.

I came looking for a SB reference and you, sir, obliged!

"*I know it wasn't underpants."

La viva laptops? Seems if you "accessorize" the iPad, it's just a handicapped laptop.

Then back down to the "South of the Border" tourist trap?