

I'm glad you were resuscitated!

They fight in the streets but make sweet sweet HD love in the sheets.

I get what you're saying. Maybe still offer the start button with a listing of all apps similar to previous Windows. Then have their standard Metro interface as a type of dashboard.

The simple solution would be to include a "start" button that is always there whether you are in Metro or the generic desktop. This could still carry over to the tablets as that could be where the "charms" are located. I just think they could clean it up and have that one button be the link between metro and desktop.

Pffffff, the mortality rate of the red meat I eat is 100%!

Absolutely! My original comment was that it seems very cliche to just point out the "South".

Majority does not agree w/ you.

This is crazy talk.

The cost to include one is dirt cheap, the backlash of not having one: priceless.

Because as an ex-military member that is well traveled, I have learned that racism has touched about every part of the globe.

I replied before he edited and added the Fox News comment.

Is that a WP7??

"Now that they've had some time to do proper R&D, their tablets are rapidly approaching the iPad's quality."

You don't get out much do you?

Would not work on this person.

You ever heard of WuTang Clan? They had this song: C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) other words, consoles aren't going anywhere.......homeboiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

Windows Phone Starter

Interesting approach and makes sense. It didn't need more general power, but graphics/video is always a hungry beast.

Ummm, sometimes a pickle isn't a cucumber....... just careful asking for a "pickle" around the tubez.