
Has no one been paying attention to Bizarre Foods? People in other countries don't waste any f'ing thing. If it's not edible, mix it with some hot peppers and eat the shit anyway.

For those with kids, you find yourself doing a lot while on the toilet.

I bought a ultra thin case that's very minimal in bulk, yet protects the back and corners. It also provides a much better grip. The iPhone edges are slick and with winter dry hands, it's going to get dropped. Maybe Apple can trade some aesthetics for some ergonomics with the next iPhone.

You bring up some good points and I agree with you. I still have to wonder if the publishers came to MS and said "hey, you're the king of drm, figure this out for us" or if MS just decided to offer this to publishers as some sort of carrot on a stick.

Nothing is in stone yet. I'm still more worried now about the next Xbox's backwards compatibility than I am about some rumor of not being able to play used games.

Yeah, but where would you focus your twisting and blowing, I mean attention?

I think "Mario LemonParty" is already in the works.

Uhhh, this looks like Gears Recon to me, and........I LOVE IT!

At a recent carry/conceal class, I was surprised at how many people want a fricking hand cannon or something to brag about to others. No one will ever know I'm even carrying until it's too late.

Recently bought a Glock 26, it's a compact 9mm for those wondering. It was my choice of weapon for carry/conceal. I can field strip it in under 10 seconds. The Glock is a simple gun and it is very accurate, things that matter to those who choose to arm themselves.

Obviously my experience is anecdotal, but I couldn't wait to get off ATT. I think there was a sentiment among a certain group about the demise of ATT when VZ got the iPhone. I switched b/c the ATT service where I live is utter shit. Obviously, according to sales, they provide decent service somewhere.

I agree w/ what you're saying. A "dev kit" could simply be a pc that is very close in specs to what they are trying to achieve, especially if it will be very close to the gpu mentioned in the article.

So you want a $1200 console? I'd love to see a future-proof gpu as well, but I'm not willing to pay a ridiculous amount for it either.

Hey that's cool, but remember, you'll have to either buy a prebuilt pc or build one yourself. If you build, you have to get windows, install drivers, update drivers, install antivirus, run spyware detection from time to time (you know you look at porn), and then you become obsessed with getting that latest $400 video

I'm sure Sony is gonna want some Win8 licenses. Although many want to believe there is some deep rooted rivalry between Sony and MS, it's all business.

Only $5 more for a new one vs. used? I just bought an immaculate used copy of MW3 for $30. When I buy used, I'm looking for about 40-50% off. I also don't mind waiting a few months depending on what it is.

You can bet that this isn't a one sided argument. This would be the type of thing that Sony/MS/Nintendo would all implement at one time to pacify the publishers while not hurting themselves.

Mario is getting so old the next version will be "Mario LemonParty".

Win8 will be the first true MS touch/tablet based OS, but it's not out yet. I'd be curious to see some figures 2 years after Win8 is available and the corporate world starts adopting tablets.

"Limited function" is exactly why I haven't bought an iPad.