
Skeet skeet skeet?

Someone is a condescending dumbass, not naming any names. But hotmail looks just like Outlook, the funny application that the majority of the business world uses. Couple this with Skydrive and it's still very viable and superior in many aspects.

Any picture is just "tiled" if you want to get technical about it.

I would have bought Gears 4, but currently have no interest in Fortnite.

Aka "factory workers".

A friend that does heavy reading just got a Kindle and another friend got a Kindle Fire. I was really impressed with the KF at that price point, but I would still only recommend it if the person was an avid reader first and foremost.

Someone may try to steal the super secret seaweed formuler!

Except in this case there is no immovable object.

Would you rather it be dubbed "penis inspired"? lol

I haven't purchased a "replacement" so much as a secondary 360. I have the older Elite model in the living room with a Kinect for the family, then I have the slim in my man-cave for playing the games I prefer.

Yeah, I remember when my iPhone got an update that made it just turn off for no good reason, then the one that killed the battery, were talking about Microsoft.

As am I. After playing with the iPad 1/2, I've been waiting for Win8 before seriously considering a tablet. There is no way I want to change to another OS as W8 is the main reason I'm waiting to begin with.

I wonder if they sell "BB" guns in France.......

In our current form on Earth. What if we were seeded here after something wiped out the ancient humans from other areas of the galaxy?

Fa shizzle Dizznizzle.

This is shaping up to be exactly what I want. I'm waiting to hear more about Media Center and how it will play with existing Win7 computers and the Xbox. As an iPhone owner, the iPad was just a bigger experience of that but required me to change my ecosystem to Apple to reap it's full rewards. With a Win8 tablet,


Floppy drive....

"Kinect isn't innovative. Its been done before. Its just an improvement."

And Eye Toy is just that, a toy. It's nothing more than a logitech webcam with a PS3 shirt on.