
You could try just talking to him. Something like, "What you said to me in the parking lot the other day really upset me. Please don't ever say something like that to me again." Then, he's been warned. If he does it again, or even non-verbally makes you uncomfortable, report him. I'd say it's well within reason

In all truth, the management company who hires the security person needs to know.

The guy in my situation just thought he was being funny/clever, and he didn't think for a moment that I would be upset by his comment.

It didn't ruin his life. He got moved to another location and training on how not to make sexual

I'm on month 9 of tapering off SSRIs (escitalopram) and it is certainly not fun. Coming off Wellbutrin was relatively easy, but getting off Celexa has been really tough. But, I'm on the home stretch now and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Congrats on kicking ADs and finding your happy place! It's a huge

Yay, work! Congratulations! I won't bother you to tell me how to get one, but if you ever figure up how to wake up, let me know, because I seem to have lost the ability to pop awake at 5am that I possessed in high school. All I can say is if you have night time meds that make you sleepy, take them super early, like

I booked some work! Nothing exciting, but a job is a job at this point. Now I just have to wake up on time in the morning.

On the upside, if he gets fired for this (yeah I know, unlikely) he can probably get a job at Comcast.

"Wouldn't text one from a burner." I like it. It's like the cell phone equivalent of "I wouldn't fuck them with your junk."

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

Wait, I'm sorry, a PENGUIN? Please provide more details.

How about: Decided on Monday that you want to get married on Tuesday. Find old Easter dress in closet, and a green sweater to coordinate with hubby to be Army uniform. Realize that you have freakish number of green cardigans. Go to quaint small town courthouse, and are very excited about the ambiance. Then are told

I have a frowns face forever.


Honestly I used to think men didn't like women over even 30. I now realize the only men who think this way are not worth knowing, much less dating. And the guys worth your time don't want to date a decades-younger college girl anyway. It pretty much works itself out, I've found.

I was bitching to my husband about how I'm going to be all old and dried up (we're nearly exactly the same age) and he said, "Well, I'm going to be all old too. And you had better still love me and give me some of that 60 year old action, dammit!!!"

The best thing about aging is that the older I get, the fewer fucks I give about the opinions of dickwads like these.

Maybe they meant the mathematical mean. They did assign her a number.

GRADE: D (an alternate reality in which everything is exactly the same but you have all of Justin Bieber's tattoos, especially the one of the angry turnip)

"This is a Shrayber!" OMG.

It is worth reporting! But I read the headline and immediately said to myself, "This is a Shrayber." Which isn't a great thing, you should be synonymous with a type of delicious sandwich or a fetching kind of men's tie.

I'm not surprised that the barista is a teenager. I'm really happy with this new bunch of teenagers coming up. The ones I know are really brave and stand up for other people who need help. I know it's fashionable to rag on the younger folks, but I won't, because I think they're great.