
You can do this. It’s hard, it’s work, it’s a really really long road ahead, but this is one of those times that it is wise to embrace the journey. Mr. moon and I have successfully launched the last one into college, and we are having a blast. We decided early on, while not completely overwhelmed with jobs and babies

My. dad.

sorry for the downer, but I need an uninvolved weigh in. I (accidentally?) found out that I have cancer. Treatable? Maybe? My issue is, I went for a checkup and now have this news. The hubs and the kids don't know. One is overseas and the other is finishing senior year. Do I stress them all out before I know we can

He's too lazy. Plus he's not hiding it, because he doesn't think it's an issue.

mi gente.

Late to the party, but here goes: mr moon works with many young, attractive women. That's fine, and I'm fond of quite a few of them. There have been one or two, along the way, who have zero respect for boundaries. He says a, we're just friends when my radar goes off. I tell him to look at the evidence (late night

You are now married to me in my head. I have Bouguereau throughout the house. Everything about every one of them is gorgeous. Mr. Moon bought "Charity" for me, because I have inadvertently found myself the mother of several random children. I digress. But I still love that you mentioned the artist!

we should all argue in this manner.

we don't talk about it much. Perfectly normal pregnancy, perfectly normal labor start (water broke 2am) Called doc in the morning, contractions start, I walk around, talk to my husband. Ten-thirty real labor kicks in, my doctor (and friend) sits on the end of my bed, says let's have a baby! I'm holding Mister Moon's

I feel you on the cheekbones. It's a family trait. And my little moons (not so little, both male) have razor sharp cheekbones. But I'm not sure it's doing anything for me, although it's gotten them odd modeling jobs. Now eyebrows.....ah, to dream!

sigh. I hate to mess up anyone's life because of a careless remark. And creepy isn't a crime. I'm also overly sensitive because in my past I've had a real, honest-to-god, restraining order stalker. I also believe that most of us have suffered some form of this on some level. I just want to be fair, but I also have

Someone. Anyone. There is a security guard at my building that seems like a regular guy. We exchange hellos, he calls me Mrs. Moon, we go about our days. I figure he knows my name, my car, where I park, etc, because that's kind of in line with what he does. So the other morning, early, outside and away from his desk,

Gurl. First of all, congrats! Secondly, I hear ya on the mood swings, but they happen even without medication! When I was pregnant with my youngest, I burst into tears one day when the cat threw up. And that was without meds. So hang in there, you've got this. I'm really excited for you, my sister in arms.

Ceiling Cat, hang in there. In some ways it was as bad as the worst days. But oh, the emotions I've found! There's joy, real joy! And anger, and regular old sadness, and boredom, and elation, and contentment. I can't express it enough and folks that never took them or have been on my nightmare ride don't exactly

Also, my sister in law is was at Comic-Con, and though she didn't cosplay, she had the best time! She's a fantastic social media user, never too much, always interesting, and she kept up little posts with cool pics and newsy bits! I want to be cool by association!

after spending the last year kicking anti-depressants (I realize it's different for everyone) I've just come back from a gorgeous vacation with my husband and teenager and I'm rested, happy, and best of all, I can remember it all!

This is fantastic. I'm a wedding photographer. I would have shot this for free. :(

I'm really glad this worked out for you.

possibly? Because my doctor ALWAYS says my eyes are very healthy, look great, and to keep n doing what I'm doing. My friend works for an optician and says she's made to push certain lens solutions etc. True or not, I don't know. I lived in a village in Turkey for a few years, and just popping over to the vision

Intellectually, I understand the stupidity of my actions. It's not even that it's much trouble to do. I really just do forget, because they don't bother me, I don't notice them (like I notice my glasses) so I just drop into bed at night and then get up and go.