
Yes, I do. I really do. Average a month or more. Sometimes, if they feel dry, I put lubricating drops in, and off I go. I've been wearing lenses for about thirty-five years, and so far, so good.

Exactly. My eyes are my fortune. Between shooting/editing....I. Just don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see. I've often said I'd give up another sense to keep this one. So I need to feel really really sure it would work. I'm holding your internet hand in mine.

you speak the truth, ToffeeTree. I'm working alongside men of various ages, and the younger ones are jus as interested in older women like me as they are in any other. Mostly I find it's because they admire confidence and intellect at any age.

Stop worrying right now. Not worth it. You are fuckable.

headaches? Can you elaborate? I want LASIK, but I'min my forties, and lazy. Also a photographer, so don't want it to go wrong. But the headache/contacts connection has me intrigued.

and they last forever, those pedicures! Guilty pleasure!

equally guilty. I have DAILY DISPOSABLES that I'll wear for ages at a time. I just had my checkup-doc says that my eyes look terrific, wrote a new prescription for more (which I don't need, since I barely go through them)

I think we, the people, can all agree that you are the best thing ever. I heart everything about you. Just though I'd share.

if you haven't read it, check out the novel 'Lamb.' This is the Jesus I want to know.

you are the living best thing ever.

everything you say here is so true. We spend hours editing the normal bulges of backfat on ladies of all sizes that are sausaging themselves into gowns. And the thing is, when we start shooting as the bride gets ready we see so many of them expressing their personal style, be it flirty, sophisticated, fun, elegant.

Gurl...we are wedding Florida. Where EVERY single gown is sleeveless, strapless, and white. I'm cray from trying to find ways to make this girl look different from the bride we shot the week before her. Gimme sleeves! And colors! Hemlines!

God, I just have to get this out here. My sis-in-law and I were pregnant at the same time. She was very in my face nature this, purified water that, I'm not going to work sleep all day do what I want holier than thou horrible to me throughout. I trudged along, felt heathy, happy, and fine, well loved, paid attention

I am the only human with cats that have no interest in computers, sleep at night, get along with each other and the rabbits. But I needs this desk.

Dishwashers, Ohmygod. After spending several years in a remote Turkish village, with no hot running water, I made it my life' sword to have a dishwasher. And I run it for everything. Everything goes into the dishwasher. My parents always had top of the line appliances, including dishwashers, but they never used it.

Lindy. Everything about you is perfection.

I'm with you. Piercings too, of which I have zero. My only thing with that is, when people get that piercing on their lip, and it's tiny, and off to the side, I want to reach out it.

I have zero. I can't think of anything I want to spend the rest of my life with, and my husband's and kids' names are not anything I'm likely to forget. So there's that.

Yes! Yes! This exactly.
I'm fair skinned and very blond, with no regional accent from anywhere at all. And people somehow think that because I look so...generic? white girl, that it is safe to bash everyone else. And I do mean every single one. It both fascinates and horrifies me. How does that even work? In what

A white presenting Latina. Oh, if they knew the truth that an unclean walks amongst them...