
As a Floridian, I respect the distinction. I could smother him with a pillow. I'm in Florida. They won't convict.

Gurl. I used to go to the extra bedroom, but we have a fantastic bed and I don't think I should be ostracized from it. Cuz I'm a bitch like that.

I'm on your side, sister. I'm a bitch, I get very little sleep, can't bear the snoring, but don't want to fall asleep or lay in the bed without him. So, I brush his face with my fingertips, which makes him shift. Sometimes he says, "I'm awake." Which he isn't. Also, losing ten pounds decreased it a lot.

While you are there, pick up an eleven dollar bottle of "Drops of Jupiter."
Who knew??!!!

I don't think so? Maybe? But not at risk of her relationship.

I bounced it off MrMoon, who is pretty open minded. He said he'd want to know what would make me feel the need to seek that attention somewhere else. Exactly. So we applied that to her sitch, and it's probably because she' not feeling it from him. I dunno. It seems complicated. But I appreciate the input.

Nope. I suspect he could be setting her up to fail. I don't love him, but she does, so I keep him in our circle by default.
Do you suppose that's a thing? That he's permitting her so he can say, well she did it, now I can.

Huh. Her husband had an open marriage with his first wife. No mention of it for this time. of her old college sweeties found her on FB and has started a sweet, flirtatious kind of thing with her. And her husband is all, "you should see him. I'm cool with it!" As in, you should SEE him. I've got no advice

Anyone? I'm asking for a friend. Really!

  1. The hubs and I were talking today and he says he loves that we're a team (twenty some odd years)

Can we talk about husbands who are cool with their wives doing the sex with other men?

It happens to white (I guess I present white. I'm actually a white Latina with blonde hair. It happens) girls too. My oldest child is dark complected, black haired, brown eyed. When we lived in Turkey I was always asked if I had "adopted that adorable Turkish child." In the U.S. I was often asked if I were the sitter.

Do it! We have three! They are litter box trained!

Yup. I occasionally work for Big Insurance, and we know not to blink when folks want a to know if Viagra is covered. For women. Because it's used for hypertension.

Oh, the levels of jealousy.

Hire me to tie your corset, if that's as close as I can get to that!

Alternate view here-we are easily 'harder' on our youngest. And he does have the higher IQ etc. Is it possible that parents are responsive to the personality and not just birth order? I, too, am the youngest of three, and my sisters and folks will tell you I was better in school and more accomplished. Not that it got

All it is — is a reflection on you.

The God's Must Be Crazy reference. My day is complete.

Write that shit! I'll support you!