
It sounds trite, but enlist a friend. Not a good friend, because they'll give in with sympathy when you whine. I excersize every week day with someone I worked with (I'm not there anymore but we still meet at noon each day) and this makes me feel obligated to both myself and them. I hate it while I'm doing it but love

Just want to share-after years of suffering terrible sociophobia (and being medicated for it!) I've just completed six months med free and I went out and did something social with neighbors (on a boat, a small space, eek!) AND I HAD FUN! There is hope!

West Side Story, hands down.

Yeah, I'm always the last one to finish (leave the table) so that I can'radially be policed. MrMoon gently expresses concern over my dietary choices and the amount of food I'm eating (way too little, in his eyes) but for the most part I take things in stride. But yes, I get it. You are not alone.

All of this makes my heart tired. I'm so glad that part of my life is behind me.

Way more adventurous than I! This evening I made dinner for my youngest and a couple of his friends-teenaged boys that will generally eat anything. After dinnat, mine asked me if I felt alright. He says I was laughing and talking, "but I saw you moving yor food around your plate. You weren't really eating." Ah, the

This is how I eat when there are no kids in the house. Frosting from the can. Pizza breakfast, lunch, dinner. Wine with everything.

I'm glad you are handling it okay. All the huggas to you.

Variety is important. Not quite sure what would be considered strictly american food, but in our house we cover a great many different cuisines. I'm not Italian, but my Moons think I am because of what I cook, and they favor it. Tonight, however, it's gourmet burgers on the grill and potato chips!

I think we might be naturally curious, but when forced to eat everything, regardless of like it or not, I think we create a whole host of problems. I guess one thing I gained was I am in no way an emotional eater. If I'm upset the last thing I want is food, mostly because it made me feel bad before, so it'll only make

Sister, you are not alone. I also think this early behavior contributed to my unnatural ability to hide things and lie. Because that's what I did to get through it, and I reliEd on those skills to make it through. Then I just applied them to other facets of my life. Totally unhealthy. I try every day to be a better

I almost just confessed the horribleness to my LittlestMoon just now, because this has opened a floodgate for me. But I don't want him to get judgy on the grandparents. Nevertheless, I feel a lot of your pain and I just feel so RELIEVED that I haven't been alone in this all my life, like I thought I was. We are

We may have been raised in parallel universes. Oh, the dark. Sad face. Ad though I've pretty much been the same size since adolescence, very petite, I'm pretty sure that if I'd had a better food relationship I'd be healthier, or stronger, etc.

Hang in there, you've got this. Being aware of your own issues and looking for ways to do the wise and healthy thing for your new little one will keep you on top of it. Congrats!

Cooking is a bit more than a hobby for me so I love engaging the kids in it. And you are so right. It makes a huge difference when they are invested in it. We even have a little garden that we get some fresh things from, and they believe it tastes even better fresh. Yay you for raising a MiniPhantom who will have a

I would tell my little ones to try something, all positive like. My LittlestMoon would say, "Do I like this?" And I would smile and tell him he did indeed. And even if he never had it before he'd give it a taste and either approve or not, but we'd make over how fun it is to try all the foods. He eats pretty much

Is it weird to feel like bursting into tears of relief upon seeing I'm not alone? Because my eyes are stinging now.

This happens on my ipad all the time. I sigh and it makes MrMoon laugh because he knows what's happening.

Victim. I often sat alone, long after everyone else had finished, staring at the cold, gross, food on my plate. And later I graduated to hiding food or throwing it away OR BEHIND FURNITURE to get my family off my back. This was as early as kindergarten. I never developed anorexia or bulimia, but I have a very weird

You are my new best friend.