
And I know I need to stop reading about this right about now, but what you say is so true. <3

I just want to die.

I'm a victim, and usually I'm okay with reading about these things, and I find solace in the knowledge that he is being punished for his crimes. But the victim blaming, the non-apologizing-it just takes me back to when I was feeling so guilty and he said it was my fault. So, yeah, I'd like to hang out with you and

First, good luck and Godspeed on your new life! how exciting!

Same here. The consolation I have is that now I watch my boys practice their tender mercies on the loves of their lives. And sometimes on me, too.

Completely off topic, but Laura, I love you. I love how you find these little gems and then sprinkle them about with abandon.

I'll totally have a threesome, take it on the chin (face, whatever)-after all, if he goes down you're rubbing everything you've got all over his. Won't-well, I'm still looking for what I won't. Although-my tastes have changed dramatically over the years! MrMoon is such a loving, great guy that I feel safe doing things

Both the Little Moons were stroller children for as long as they could be. I finally told them to get out (I'm not very big and they were a lot of work). The oldest is model thin and the youngest eats everything like it's his last meal and he's still very lean. I tell 'em wait until they're thirty.

Girl! The man can do no wrong in my dance mind. No. Wrong.

Eh. This might not be an age thing. Your confidence, the way you hold yourself while walking, the air of dignity you project-all those things are sexy, attractive, beautiful. To regular men and 'creeps' as well. Mid 40's here, and still turning heads.

This was wonderful. I miss my Oreo cat Shakespeare every day. This is almost like he was reborn in this little kitten. Thank you!

This. Is. Fucking. Awesome.

Checking in from the "exotic" side. I look white but I'm half not. It's the eyes. People meet me, take a few minutes and eventually get to the "where are you from" question. And you know what? I'm not really ever offended. I like discussing my multi-cultural background, and a lot of times it gives me a chance to have

My big sister, now grandma age, can rock the house like this. The LittleMoons are aware of all the cool, diverse things the OlderMoons in the family are capable of, and extrapolate that out to other Olds in the world.

I also thought they got rid of purgatory? (After they created it. They giveth, they taketh away, whatever works).

Thank you for being an awesome human being.

Virginia is a beautiful, diverse state. Even their slogan, "Virginia is for lovers," is great. And then people like him show up and wonder why I leave. The talented youth of Virginia will just pack up and take their skills elsewhere.

Never say never. We put eleven years between our two. It's awesome!

Ahahahahaha! Damn spell check doesn't want me to like him either!

Again with the Kanye. I said it last week, I'll say it again: I kinda hate myself for looking him. Well, his music.