
Actually, Dead Rising 3 is coming to PS4.

Hispanic here! Preach on!

I am curious by what you mean in your last three sentences. I am not a multiplayer aficionado nor an X-box 360 owner, so I am not privy to issues of the community. This sounds interesting, though.

We need all the taunts to be chicken taunts.

Mr. um, Stinkweiner, could I make a recommendation Try using rigor beatis in the future to describe your current condition, rather than rigor mortis.

I agree. I'm also impressed with this piece and the effect it has had.

I consider myself a capable wordsmith, Mr. Garlador... but there comes a time when a man must bow his head and acknowledge his superiors.

Actually, quoting previous work is one of the hallmarks of quality research in science, literature, film, philosophy, etc.

Actually, I hear it's a buck o' five.

Is this an ironic pun?

Your name already took care of the mental imagery.

It's called No More Heroes on the Wii.

Yes. Yes it does.

I believe it is more subtle.

It is a historical reference.

Forgive him O Lord, for he does not know what he does.

This person knows of what they speak.

Preach ON, brother!!!

originaldave77 know exactly what he is talking about. Listen to this man.

"Ha! I threw that shit before I walked in the room!"