I have worked with Gloria for years and just want to say for the record, Terry approached her at an event as asked for a photo and she said yes, because she ALWAYS says yes to photos (when she can). She had no idea who he is. Just so y'all know.
I have worked with Gloria for years and just want to say for the record, Terry approached her at an event as asked for a photo and she said yes, because she ALWAYS says yes to photos (when she can). She had no idea who he is. Just so y'all know.
Huh. Not only Hunger Games, Arrow and Avengers could learn a thing or two about making shooting arrows look cool.
Because if the war on drugs has taught us anything, it's that attacking supply rather than demand is a really effective means of curbing production.
Cameron Diaz's performance looks AWFUL and until someone acknowledges the absence of Lily St. Regis and Rooster Hannigan, I am not excited by this at all.
Women! Know your limits!
I came of age in the LGTB community of a redneck city during the late 80s and early 90s and I thought Leto's performance was absolutely convincing. He was messy and campy and superficial and damaged in all of the ways that many trans women are —and were—in the the real world outside of the vain wishes of identity…
Dallas Buyers' Club was really disappointing. I'm all for writers taking liberties to make a point, but my hope is that such liberties make the film more dynamic. The liberties they took here just made a film that could have been interesting and risky safe and stale. Rayon and Dr. Jennifer Garner — arguably two of…
Think of it as an opportunity for growth. As a Christian in America, you have, until now, been sheltered from careless or ignorant humor directed at your religion. For people of many other faiths, this is an everyday occurrence.
You're assuming way too much knowledge of your holidays. I and I'm sure a lot of other people had no idea that Ash Wednesday was coming up or even what it means. Beyond that, no one was making fun of Jesus the figure, but the article was making fun of the weird, white-washed, overly sexualized versions of him that are…
Scrub Jesus aka Jesus of Silverlake aka Coachella-sus.
She'd never have made this plea to a male author. The world is always big enough for more male musicians and writers, but it shrinks right up for women. Anyone who makes a splash in the music world is always "the next ____" fill in the blank. The next Madonna, the next Sheryl Crow, the next Taylor Swift, the next,…
She has a point. That's exactly how other entertainment industries works. The Seahawks all retired when they won the Super Bowl, Beyoncé will never make another album since she broke all those records, and tom hanks hasn't been in a movie since "Big."
This is stupid beyond belief. Rowling was a single mother on welfare when she wrote the first Harry Potter. She didn't bloody wave a magic wand and poof! Bestsellers everywhere!
Only seven foot tall clowns named Puddles should be allowed to perform this song.