
Cool setups, but /r/shittyHDR anyone?

That actress was in the first season of AHS as well and she's great. I don't know what Ryan Murphy's family or personal history is, but he's included a lot of characters and actors with Down's in several of his shows, including multiple characters on Glee. So it's obviously personally important to him.

Cute as fuck but you should never, ever try to engage a wild animal in play. They have no qualms biting off a finger and you never know if their behavior is aberrant due to disease. Leave nature to the naturalists and people trained in dealing with wildlife.

Yeah, I feel incredibly conflicted by her for many reasons but this response was perfect.

Now playing

This use of nudity totally worked for me.

That pause before "Shotgun" killed me.

Nice try, Maria Bamford!

The bunch of "cell" pictures at the bottom were exactly the size and layout of my dorm room in college. Only I didn't have a bathroom or kitchen.

Call me confused. I thought most small dinosaurs had cloacas not penises. If there's one thing I demand in my dinosaur erotica, it's realism!

I think anything under 100 is unofficially a "child weight."

I'm guessing in 2008 you were very into Scene. lol

I confess—- I may have enjoyed one or two of them.

This is her half brother Trace Cyrus. He's gotten all those tattoos in the last couple years. He was in a band called Metro Station, since broken up. And he famously dated Demi Lovato in her crazy, pre-rehab days.

Cultural appropriation you say? Take a look at her big brother.

You're right. And it's the difference between Catalaog (or money) girls and Editorial girls— who are more famous but typically don't make as much. Catalog girls typically get paid more and get to weigh (marginally) more.

Seriously, my dog has zero respect for my morning routine.

I'm pretty sure that elephant is child sized and although they're fucking with the dog, it's in a pretty gentle and innocent way, like an annoying kid might mess with a sleeping pet.

As long as she's not repeatedly dropping weights onto her pregnant belly, how exactly would this be a problem?

Surely you don't mean this one?

True. I wouldn't have suffered through several lack-luster opening episodes of Fringe had I not know about the alternate world.