
Ooh, really like. Maybe slightly too much Skrillex hair, but I'll overlook it.

I remember when this played live...

Which is so ridiculous considering he's fucking beautiful. I recall seeing an interview with the singer Se7en where he said he had trouble getting signed because people said his lips were too big. Too big for what!!??

"Also, counterpoint: Dress naked if you feel like it! Halloween is a time for everyone!"

I totally believe you as well! Had a black cat that would not only sit on your shoulder but when you picked him up, he'd hug you around the neck and purr while you carried him.

Aww, I love black cats. But I've always felt torties and calicos were pretty damn crazy.

Smooshed in face makes people think they're grumpy and scowling.

Hey nice mounted head on the wal— ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!

It depends on which series of Being Human you mean. I thought 1 and 2 were great, but 3 was pretty damn weak; the writing was all over the place. 4 was much better and introduction of the new cast brought some life back into it. Hal is a really compelling new character. But Being Human is a much smaller scale show,

The book came second. Radio play first. Then a book. Then a TV show heavily based on the radio play (with mostly the same actors). Then more books. Then a movie.

It wasn't a book first.

Haha, that sounds dangerous. I'm in the midst of an all night writing session. I'll reward myself with it over the weekend. That example alone has got me frothing at the mouth.

So, safe to get on Kindle?

Wow, that's a pretty ringing endorsement.

This is not a an egregious level of Photoshopping in my opinion. They haven't significantly stretched out or slimmed these models down and it isn't a grotesque misrepresentation of what they look like. And people who are remarking about the originals being underlit and shoddy don't understand HD image workflow. The

Or a sock.

I thought that was a woman who had stuffed a fake friend down her drawers.

I never thought I would have to invoke the term "stellar gangbang," but that's what immediately comes to mind.

How much do thoughts weigh? I mean the electrical impulses behind them. This has been weighing on my mind lately (no pun intended).

This is an exhausting argument and there aren't actually two sides to it. Japanese all know that anime characters are primarily Japanese (unless otherwise stated). They speak Japanese, live in and go to school/work in Japan. The hair color conventions are just conventions— they often don't actually usually have