Vous êtes trop sympa—merci beaucoup!
Vous êtes trop sympa—merci beaucoup!
Madame, permettez-moi de vous le dire, I look forward to reading your by-lined articles on this page. I don't understand how you manage to not taint your being right with blustery indignation, but you certainly pull that off every time. It must be la politesse. Votre humble serviteuse, NS
Well I’m flattered!
my surprise at the golden morning... freeze, lip pout, eye narrow, sigh
Two boys, one sparkly,
One shirtless in cut off jeans.
My choice: whiffle bat.
When my Biggest Loser exposé got over 5,000 views before 10AM on Wednesday morning, I knew something was up in…
Meanwhile, I got into my pj's at 2 pm, just finished a chocolate bar, and am having a hard time keeping up with my nose's snot production. Whatevs, comme ci, comme ca.
Oh thank God someone else who knows the truth about Emma Watson! Gasping and hair flipping and violent eye brow motion does not constitute character work! By the last two movies, I kinda finally forgave her and felt some affection for Watson as Hermione, but man some of those scenes are rough.
I learned not to tell anyone what I was naming my baby the hard way with my first child. People can be incredibly rude about a decision you've obviously put a lot of thought into. I found it was better to introduce the baby than let everyone I knew pick apart my choices. As for the Charlie Brown reference, if you name…
But... is he GOOD or BAD, dammit?
This article is not awesome. It's pretty dumb and you're taking it way to serious. I would much rather engage in a conversation about peoples personal preferences and the preferences they've had directed at them (things this article seem to be a primer for) than treat this article like it is worthy of academic…
Oh, hell I'm 13 YEARS postpartum and haven't felt like working out yet. ;-)
That last word was clearly auto-tuned. Sorry.
Amy and Tina should host every show for ever till the end of time. No other hosts need apply.
I wish my body would allow me to stay up late enough to watch this delight. If I don't get at least 2 hours of Hardwick in my life, I feel unfulfilled.
I was thinking it would also be useful for announcing you got a new cat.
Off topic but all I could think is I want to use a photo like this to announce I am pregnant. That or a sonogram that is clearly a cat/kitten.