Guys I'm bored. I'm at home with a new baby, and I need stuff to watch and read. WhTs good on netflix? What's the most totally engrossing and long novel you've read lately?
Help! I can't find murder she wrote on Netflix?!?
Yeah Smirnoff ice brings back unpleasant memories of puking in whatever receptacle was close at hand in my dorm room and then shame-rinsing it in the communal bathroom the next day.
Yeah I read your posts on The Limited photoshop issue, and I found to be informative and interesting and worth taking into consideration, but like lostmyburneragain below asks, can you find equivalent mistakes on male models, and also, can you offer a reasonable explanation as to why someone would photoshop a thigh…
I was at his tapings at the Vancouver Olympics. It was especially good because of the festive vibe... He was really interactive with the audience, and it was tons of fun.
Haha, no prob! Honestly I haven't even watched the show but this made me laugh because they're very good harrelson/mcconaughey impressions for any of their roles.
I know someone (with a serious compulsion problem thats being addressed) who got away with stealing at least 10,000 in merchandise over about a year long period. Hole in the bottom of their bag. That simple. Had to stop though when one store in particular started collecting tapes. They banned the person and just said…
Congrats on your little girl! That's wonderful. Mine is due march 16th. I'm glad we left it a surprise but decisions are harder. The names were gruelling because we had to settle on two choices, and we kept feeling like the girl one wasn't as good as the boy one, so we'd find a better girl one and we'd have the…
Ha, yes a response very free from blustery indignation :) Thank you for the thoughtful reply, I really appreciate it. I recently heard that up here in the north (which I'm not native to, but which I'm very grateful my parents moved me to at a young age so I accept your congrats with thanks!) only 30% of boys are…
I am about to have a baby the gender of which I don't know right now. In Canada it costs $350 at an outpatient clinic for circumcision and initially my husband said "of course" because he is circumcised. But I would like you to please share your opinion on why you're against it (if you dont mind!) because I'm in the…
I record Jimmy Fallon on my PVR. I am really curious how PVRs are accounted for in ratings becomes it seems like MOST people who watch these shows would be recording them. (I have a terrible time the next day if I'm not in bed by 9:30)
Yes! I can agree with that. If Tina/Fey could decide everything in my life I'm sure I would be fine forever.
Thank you for that. My baby I'm going to have in a few weeks here is going to have a unique name that we both love but that... Sometimes I am afraid of announcing. However, you're totally right that anything other than Jon, Michael, or bob will eventually have to be spelled or explained. Helps put things in…
Haha, welp, I'm sure that will be me because putting things in the fridge/freezer that should not be is already pretty par for the course right now. But it sounds to me like you're using your brain pretty damn well when it comes to baby specific things so there's that. I mean, when I fuck up at work I think it's just…
Yeah same with my family. But I'm uncomfortable/unfamiliar with most social etiquette because I have in many ways a pretty weird family. Anyway I'm having a baby-shower soon and my SO reminded me to write down what everybody got me for thank you notes after. I never would have thought of that on my own. Sooo... I…
Oh jeez. You mean pregnancy brain becomes post-partum brain? What a bummer. I don't actually mind being absent minded that much, but I feel like everyone blames everything I do now on "pregnancy brain" and I'm like "guys, some of these stupid things I did before I was pregnant"... Which, I don't know why I think…
Well I HAVE been through an in-patient treatment program for an eating disorder and under no circumstances would they have allowed this. It took many weeks just to get a weekend pass to go home (which for me at the time was my moms). You had to be away from your loved ones so you could properly face/analyze your…
This!! I am currently pregnant and are NOT finding out and EVERYONE has an opinion about the gender. It drives me batty, and it drives me batty that no one gets why it drives me batty!!