
Do you know how puppies learn to *not* bite other puppies, dogs, and people? It's an interesting process. In their litter, puppies play with each other, rolling around, tackling one another, and of course biting each other. When one puppy bites *too hard* the other one winces, yelps, and snaps back, usually causing

I think what you're getting confused about is that when you physically discipline your child, you're not doing it in a way that injures the kid. Pain is not the primary response you want to induce — it's shock and fear that you want to induce. Why would you want that? Let's say the kid is playing in the yard and he

If you read that study, it admits that the results are in question.

The first and fourth complaint you listed there represent violations of our basic human rights. The middle two, though, I think most people can agree with.

If they smacked you and you laughed about it, then they weren't doing it right. Nevertheless, I'm glad you turned out well.

Indeed, that's my guess. And I supplied my reasoning as well. So far, all you've supplied in the way of reasoning is you think I'm wrong and I'm a jackass. You need to lighten up, buddy.

Wouldn't it be more like "forward-pedaling" though? Because I never changed my statement. Besides, I don't think I made a mistake. I think my initial impression of his statement was correct, and that he attempted to change his meaning.

Those things you just said had no bearing on the article or his response. Mine did. We've only ever mentioned the price tag and the iOS exclusivity.

This Lycerius dude was in charge of a war for thousands of years, and nothing ever got fixed. Then this other dude took over for a few years and won the war...

Sticks and stones, friend. Sticks and stones.

...then why only cite the last line? It still makes no sense. He's clearly back pedaling.

There's nothing non-consensual in this guide. You might think it's kinda douchey, but it's not really "rapey" at all.

The line you cited is the last line in the article, indicating that you only stopped being interested when you got to that line.

That makes no sense. They'd already mentioned in the article that it was for iOS. The only new piece of information in that sentence you quoted was the price. You were clearly saying that you were interested in the game until you saw the price tag.

Republicans have proposed plenty of alternatives for the ACA... in fact many of them have most of the stuff that is popular in the ACA... it's not their fault that you don't know what those alternatives are.

Same here, except I wedged my controller in between two couch cushions to hold the trigger down. That shard sucked balls, man, and not in a pleasant way, no sir.

FF13 and 13-2 had awesome stories, awesome visuals, and by far the best combat in any Final Fantasy to date. Though I still like 6 better overall, the 13 series is so massively underrated. To anyone who hasn't played them yet, please ignore the haters and go at the game with no expectations, just as I did. You

And in other news, guys are willing to sacrifice realism to see hot chicks and boobies.

Here's the thing: I think they *are* doing their job. They're doing exactly what I elected them to do. The House has tried to pass separate bills that fund specific departments not already deemed "necessary", but all of these funding measures have been shot down in the Senate for political reasons. As much as you