
Yeah, honestly I'll be picking up both. I've already got the Wii U, and I love it. I'm not too worried about graphical differences. In my mind, the big difference in this generation vs the last is essentially just user interface and upgraded ram. The REAL next gen in my mind will be 60hz 4K. OR it will be 1080p

Not only does the $50/year membership grant you two free Playstation 4 games including Resogun, but you'll also be getting Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and Soul Sacrifice, among others.

Nothing in video games or movies accurately describes the horrors that mankind has inflicted upon itself throughout history. Putting the word "hyper" in front of violence doesn't make it anywhere close to as bad as what real Romans did to people back in the day.

A New Super Nintendo - Day One:

Any word on what the game will look like on Wii U?

Resolution is a big deal.

There was nothing believable about that claim in that commercial.

For every one person on here congratulating these guys for removing DRM, there's 10 assholes lined up ready and eager to pirate the game now that probably wouldn't have before.

What if it was an insanely cheap flying rocket car that flew itself and went 500 mph and could carry a family of four + cargo while getting 1000 miles to the gallon, and was powered by water? Then I'll bet people wouldn't care so much about their car's DRM.

And yet a console is still the cheapest, most integrated way to play quality games with a larger online community.

Men's rights groups, much like women's rights groups, are filled almost exclusively by losers. Here's a genderless rule that should work pretty well for everyone — don't let people walk all over you, and you'll be happier.

Without any of Mario's powerups, Kratos OR Akuma could solo the other side.

Just buy both.

Sorry to offend you, chief. Want the last word, bro?

I'm not the one still going on about him and pulling up banking articles, bro...

Ahem? I've given you a nice start to educate yourself. You've provided nothing but myths, lies and slander. Who's the one denying reality here?

That's something consistent about people like you — you actively don't WANT to believe these things. Whatever, it's not my job to convince you. Revel in ignorance. Like I said, though, all these things we're talking about have literally ZERO to do with this rich dude that went on a play date with Guy Fieri. You

If you rotate your symbol 90 degrees it just looks like an 8-directional analog stick diagram.


I think it's funny that normal people think this stuff is cool, and the tech-heads here on Kotaku are afraid of it...