
Yeah, I guess it'd be better with an energy bar, micro transactions, and full screen ads. Totally not worth a full game for a dollar these days...

The house has passed separate measures that would fund veterans services through any shutdown. The senate denied them. Strange, no?

Something similar happened to me the last time I worked for a shitty company. Know what I did? I quit and found a better job.

You have to understand something — for me and for many other conservatives, this law is nothing but harmful. You clearly don't see it that way, but we do. It's become one of the biggest problems in the country, and it's entirely artificial. It's so stupid that we're in this situation it makes my skull ache. We

Most people think the exact same thing that you're saying, but depending on their political leanings, they swap out the words liberal, conservative, Democrat, and Republican as needed.

Dude, from all sources, essential services like Social Security and food stamps WILL NOT BE HALTED. PERIOD.

1) I think that this will end up being a wash, and over 99% of Americans will never even know it happened.

Best case, Dems cave and push back or defund Obamacare.

Heh, sure it is.

All I see in that comment there are sour grapes. Indeed, we'll see how things turn out.

There's no denying that the media treats liberal causes and politicians differently than conservative ones. We could argue to what degree that is true, but that's a different discussion.

The so-called "money-grubbing CEOs" are not the 1%. They're closer to the 0.001%. But you're kinda correct, the top 5% will absorb most of the costs. That group of people pays a majority of all taxes, and it will be the tax payer that funds any extra spending at the end of the day.

RIIIIGHT... because they only get their funding from the federal government!

I see... so in your eyes, Republicans are racist terrorist hostage takers? Perhaps instead they're simply following the will of their constituents and doing their elected duty?

Well, yeah, of course the DNC is going to try and play every political card they have. In this case, that means they're sending out the president to sling as much mud at the GOP as he can. With the bulk of the media behind him, he'll probably convince over 50% of independents that most of the blame is on the GOP's

Yeah, according to polls, most Americans view our government as a bunch of roaches, too. Especially Congress.

I also work in software. I've done my reading. You're wrong.

CNN polls, like Fox News polls, probably shouldn't be taken at face value. And the Republicans that you're talking about wanted a healthcare fix that addressed tort reform and across-state-lines-insurance, which are two things that DIRECTLY OPPOSE the ACA and so were obviously never even considered.