
Well, technically you could use anything that shoots a heavy projectile at a high muzzle velocity — a smooth-bore cannon should work too. Question is, how likely is it that you'll reliably make the shot with a .338 vs with a 50 cal? We both know the answer to that.

Her first line was:

To the people on here saying that she never apologized for the claim of sexual harassment:

He's sharing the letter because of people like you. He was never convicted of sexual harassment, he was only charged, but apparently that means he's guilty in your eyes. Maybe with a written apology for bringing a harassment suit against him he can mitigate the damage to his reputation and to his company? Nah, that

We were talking about the kind of rifle that you'd need to "pop kids" from a mile away... That would be a 50 cal. That's between several grand and 10k, depending on whether it's used or not. The scope you'd need to pull off a shot like that reliably would be a few grand itself.

Lots of aliasing.

I like how people keep upgrading the term for good-looking graphics:

No! Your opinions are bad and I hate you!

Then you're not a gun-rights guy.

This video starts off showing a complete novice picking up a standard rifle for the first time and after a day's practice hitting targets from a helicopter at 200 yards.

For a site supposedly populated by tech heads, I see a lot of comments on here from people who are scared of innovation and want to ban it because "something bad might happen". Why the 180 on the tech issue? Did y'all up and turn Amish or something?

I'd love to know what gun stores you go to, buddy. Every single one I've ever been in, if you go in trying to pay in cash and trying to avoid a background check, they'll throw your ass out in a heartbeat. Where do you get your information? Certainly not from personal experience.

I'm really glad you brought it up. Now we get to hear these geniuses trumpet their crusade. I'm thrilled. This is totally not sarcasm.

You obviously haven't watched much Star Trek then. The government controls all aspects of the lives of Federation citizens on Earth. They aren't allowed wealth in the typical sense — all they have are energy credits granted to them by the government. The privileged ones are permitted to use amazing facilities,

Their work output isn't equal to their worth.

I feel as though this, along with most other bad things in life, is Obama's fault.

Ass-kicking and way ahead of its time? Hardly. This was a high-speed high-altitude interceptor, not a fighter. Interceptors that fit this role were typical of the time, and most of them were scrapped for similar reasons. Comparing the A-10 to an interceptor like this is like comparing a house to a hot air balloon

I am also disgusted that they are retiring the A-10, but I believe your figures are a bit off. The F-35, though very expensive, is cheaper than the F-22 last I checked.

I never understood why people even bothered to call the Buster Sword a "sword". Call it what it really is — a metal club. For the love of God, it's no different than just beating somebody with a steel I-beam.

The pin on Kwok's suit isn't actually a lawyer's badge, but instead, a communist pin. It serves the same purpose that an American flag pin does.