
Dick Cheney hunts with a 50 cal? 1) Wow, what a badass. 2) WTF are yall hunting? Russian ultra-nationalists?

That giant red "18" looks like a dead giveaway, bro...

Now this is where those of you who are not parents will sound off with "you should let them judge" or "I killed hookers in GTA III when I was five and I turned out fine." That is great. I accept your opinion. Although, when your daughter comes home from elementary school crying because someone called her a b***h, you

"Washington Negroes" — The term "negro" was not originally offensive. It is not to be confused with the term "nigger" which was always a slur. "Negro" became offensive years after the US civil rights movement in the mid 20th century.

This is dumb. People who support this are dumb too. The joke doesn't even make sense. "Redskin" is a real term, whereas "Whiteskin" is not. If they wanted to do this right, it would have been "Paleskin".

TO BE FAIR — I really doubt the carpet company had any problem with the pattern. They're probably bothered by the part where this guy copied their design and then publicly sold textile samples as their own. If I was the original artist that made that design, this would bother me too.

...and we often don't as well. In the case of GMOs, there's been so much goddamned research and experimentation on it that it would make your head explode, and it pretty much all says the same thing: GMO tech is safe and effective. And yes, we're talking about a net improvement in quality of life, not just short

The line should be drawn at technology that makes your life worse rather than better, like something that gives you less food, less energy, less freedom, less whatever. There aren't very many technologies out there like that. The handful of ones that exist are mostly in the hands of the military.

We've been "playing God" since the day humanity first picked up a rock and used it to make a sharper, pointier rock. You might as well be scared of all innovation ever.

That whole commercial just screams F I R S T W O R L D P R O B L E M at the top of its lungs the entire time. Show it to the some odd 60% of the human race and they wouldn't get it at all — they'd say, why does that man look so unhappy? Everyone's got lots of food!

So I guess since there was no followup, I answered all of your questions?

I guess I didn't understand you. I got the impression you were saying that last part more as "I wish they'd have shown a better face! Even showing NO face is better than what they did!", but I re-read it and I get it now.

Why is owning a gun a basic human right?

Not every state has background checks and plenty of private sales do not require them. That's my point, there are major inconsistencies.

Perhaps in response to yesterday's Fox News debacle, this amazing Dorkly comic totally nails the way television newscasters tend to treat video games.

To the people on this board using this opportunity to rip on that guy's ex-wife or to push their stupid political beliefs on heath care, kindly STFU and go back to reddit where you belong.

Some people are broken by tragedy and never recover. Some people rebuild, making them and the world around them a better place. Keep up the good work, bro!

What's the difference when you only know it's a stabbing after they've already started attacking?

If you do not acknowledge that free will and cause-and-effect coexist, then there is no morality and this conversation is over.