
Some people are ugly, inside and out, and they should be shunned.

I'm white and my wife is Korean. I live in rural Georgia, the stereotypical heart of southern racism in the US. I've never seen so much as a dirty glance toward us. I've never heard an inappropriate comment. We've never been discriminated against.

I think her treatment was just fine. She's the most powerful character in the game. She's a big girl and she can choose her own actions — if she wants to 'ho it up on a bar that's her prerogative... who are you to tell her that she's wrong?

I stopped reading when you defined being a fanboy purely as liking one thing and attacking everything else. What if there are legitimate reasons to like one thing and attack everything else? Am I a freedom fanboy because I don't like totalitarian governments? Your definition is flawed.

Really? You didn't expect that level of sexualization for the protagonist? She's a super-sexy wicked ninja witch. That's her character.

This is precisely why ZombiU is the greatest survival horror game that has ever been made.

Why didn't you just turn the difficulty down for that battle? Just go into the menu, set it to novice, unpause, walk up to everything and shoot it in the face, GG.

People have mixed reactions to this stage. It's a beautiful piece of interactive art honestly. With something like killing civilians, the game would catch too much shit for making it mandatory... it would also take the edge off the message.

That's not really a "nope" moment at all... you already went through it, saw it, and had a chance to decide you didn't like it.

Stay classy, China.

Peach was always a badass in all the games that featured her. Fucking smash turnip, I swear to God...

So, what then... you expect a developer to make a game with little to no possible avenues of actually making their money back?

There were no ad hominem attacks whatsoever, and I'd love to see specifically what I said that you consider a personal jab. I really don't think you can point one out. I was reiterating exactly what made your comments condescending, arrogant, and inaccurate. An ad hominem would be like "You're a jerk, so you're

"Wahhh, I'm a woman and life is hard."

I'm not going to get personal about you or your brother because I think it's distasteful.

Firstly, for perspective, the only military shooter that I've enjoyed in my entire life was Spec Ops: The Line (even though that's a third-person military shooter), simply because that game's narrative effectively portrayed trained soldiers spiraling into madness based on what their government ideologically forced

Nobody lives expecting to have their loved ones violently murdered. It's harder to get past something that's permanent, because every day your loved one's absence is a reminder. That never goes away.

Nobody is being repressed. Nobody is being held back by "the man". There are no victims in this scenario and there are no oppressors. There is no issue here beyond what these idealistic zealots are trying to push on the populace.

Now playing

Ok, if they don't know who the enemy is, then that's a pretty good reason why they couldn't make a nuclear ultimatum.

That is so unbelievably condescending, arrogant, and worst of all inaccurate.