
I believe the US still leads in highest quality of life for the lowest comparative cost of living. Name another 1st world country with anywhere near 300 million citizens where the average annual family NET INCOME is over $40,000 USD. If you can find such a place, why don't you take that $40k and start comparing what

That would be disturbing if it were true. But it isn't.

I still think it's incredibly cute that Americans have two completely different political parties, while in Netherlands virtually everyone's a socialist.

The republican sounds like an asshole. The democrat sounds like a moron. Kinda like real life. Which is more up your alley? Probably the one that will result in you personally getting more benefits, sadly.

Yeah, but with F2P games, if somebody hacks their account and gains infinite money, it's easy to detect and even easier to pull up the SQL database and delete all their currency and items. That's not the case for people who can just download a full copy of a game.

This isn't a debate and it never was. This is me accusing you of saying that you like old games better than the new ones purely because you think it makes your e-peen bigger.

No, you weren't clear at all. You still aren't. Are you saying that you CAN or CANNOT blame a group of people for the actions of its members? Moreover, are you saying that being a part of a nationality makes you a part of that group?

LOL u mad bro?

Sure, you can blame whoever you want for whatever reason you want, but that doesn't make you right.

If the victims are still alive, and the acknowledged perpetrators are still alive, then the perpetrators should be punished and the victims should receive compensation from the victims. Not as a group, mind you. Person by person.

I understand that the Japanese government did lots of terrible things. Nobody (worth talking to) is disputing that. The point I'm trying to make here is that the "government" isn't some entity with a will of its own that persists across ages. The "government" is a group of flesh and blood people. It was *their*

And what exactly is going to make YOU immune to the oncoming robot armageddon? Your "give-em-hell" attitude? Nah, buddy, you'll be dead in the same ditch as me — the only difference is that my corpse will be lying next to a well-used Xbox.

I understand perfectly, you're just using the wrong word is all. It's not entitlement to merely "want" something, like if I wanted a movie's director to not say political stuff I didn't like. It IS entitlement to expect your way, to demand your way, and if you don't get your way then to try to change the rules to

"The State" isn't a human being. It is a group of people. When all the people who committed or supported an atrocity have died, there's nobody left to grant an apology. If "Japan" gave an apology, what would be apologizing — their mountains? Their soil? Or do you expect completely innocent people to stand up and

The perpetrator was not "the state", and the victim wasn't "a nationality"... the perpetrators and the victims were *people*... living, breathing human beings. They alone are responsible for their actions. Never forget that.

Now playing

No. You've never seen a COD advertisement. Here, take a look:

My first exposure to fallout 1, fallout 2, and planescape torment were four years ago. The UI is abysmal, the combat is clunky, and the graphics are terrible to the point of making immersion impossible. I put 30+ hours into each game before I dropped them. Too hard? Yeah, they were, but not because the gameplay

Piracy doesn't hurt the industry? Heard of the Dreamcast?

Why do companies make F2P games? Because most people aren't willing to drop $1 on a mobile game, much less the amount the game would need to break even (probably around $10-$15 depending on community size).

Guys, settle down. She's clearly magical. She can wear whatever the hell she wants. Who are YOU to judge her?