And on a salary that is under 30k it's damn near impossible to live on your own.
And on a salary that is under 30k it's damn near impossible to live on your own.
Fremont/Hayward has some studios for $1000! You know, if you want to live in a shoebox with little parking.
Yeah, you want a challenge but you don't want normal dudes being totally unaffected by 5 rounds from a decent gun. I know the games stray to the fantastical side but... some random guy in South America is still gonna slow down if you shoot him in the leg no matter how badass he is.
I played Uncharted on Easy most of the time too since it's difficult for me to use the shooting controls. Even so, Easy did provide more room for exploration and I could bump up to Normal when I felt like things were going too swimmingly.
Beep boop blorp.
I think we have to assume they want to hire a robot and not a person.
We can ignore the privacy thing because it's now just par for the course that you're being bought and sold. They've prioritized their services so you get what they want you to use and not what may be the best to use. They flip flopped on/pick and choose the meaning of net neutrality after getting into the mobile…
And in card games like MTG, it's about building a deck that prevents certain cheap tactics or can break the flow from other players.
Except actually randomize the board like they did in the update. I think it's more surprising that no one else really realized it wasn't random.
True, Unown is also fairly terrible.
I think Spinda would like to have a word with you about who is more worthless.
So if you're trapped in an ends-meet job (as many are) you're supposed to what? Have a half page resume? If no one's going to care about those jobs then you may as well just say you have zero experience.
Pokeball throwing stance.
I'm partial to the Time Traveling Tourist in the Battle Maison.
But will it solve iOS 7.0.whatever we're at now's issue of being unable to handle Sprint LTE dropping to 3G? I'd like to stop having to switch into airplane mode every 10 minutes to get my data to come back.
Anyone else remember how over the summer (I think?) multiple shows played the same games (Brothers, TMNT, that buggy scifi platformer)? I wonder if that deal was slightly better than this one. The show personalities seemed to be able to criticize the games at least.
Pretty good thing to know. I keep waffling on whether or not to get a laptop since I have a desktop and only actually need a mobile option for tabletop gaming. I bought a tablet with all the full sized holes for all the extra things I'd need but sometimes I get frustrated with it when trying to deal with multiple…
They seriously could have paid like 30 bucks for an old Salem puppet and a real cat.
Welp. Still can't use it. If I ever have a Steambox in my home I guess I'm using a reg'lar old controller.
I'm the horrible person that was meh on FFT (PSP version) and played 100+ hours of A2. Still, it'd be nice to see more of such games.