Dear Zeus

You are literally the problem with the community (anime/manga/scanlations/localization). Trying to uphold something dumb because it’s what was there and won’t go with changing it because muh animoos. The freakin’ devs realized they screwed up and changed it because it’s a tasteless joke and you STILL try to defend it.

...everything makes sense now...

Why is it always someone taking up programming? I kid! Mostly.

I pretty much can't ever use the "Just Trust Me" one anymore. In my role playing group I have too many players who end up providing the character with too many reasons not to trust the person.

It isn't too bad. It is an adaptation so you're not getting too much new stuff. There is one original episode that's a comedic one about Las Vegas which was pretty nice. I almost wish they'd have done episodes they'd never be able to film (for budget reasons mostly) for the anime.

We also don't have many Disney movies like Tron that are about adults anymore. That's kinda sad.

...calculating your yearly income...

This is why, as pro-science as I am, I get so frustrated. There's too much hating on the Humanities (my field of study) because there's no numbers and cold hard facts and such. People forget we ask "stupid" philosophical questions, create fanciful ideas, and prod at our understanding in order for us all to work

I'm the same way. I hate bell peppers but I like hot peppers. I've tried bell peppers every which way and none of them ever taste good to me unless it's all but melted into a sauce.

Brussels sprouts with bacon, some onion, butter, and salt I find is pretty good. The bacon fat and the sweetness of the onion combat some of that bitterness. I've had them just roasted and they definitely were not as good. Though if it's like the bell pepper thing then there's no use continuing after that!

Pizza I can sometimes do since they tend to put big enough pieces that can fall right off. But it's true that people put it in everything. I don't know why. It doesn't even go with everything.

The mixed veggie packs are the worst. When you need something quick to make a stir fry or salad with they always, ALWAYS have bell peppers. Even stuff like frozen lunches that shouldn't have bell peppers have it. I've had lasagna lunch things that had bell peppers just hanging out as if they were supposed to be

Ugh. Bell pepper breath from raw bell peppers... nasty.

You tried though! Like me and the peppers. No amount of trying them will make it any better.

That's pretty much the best way to put it.

That's the thing! I like hot peppers! It is their disgusting relatives that I cannot handle.

Chinese food is also full of bell peppers so I know them feels.

Even then I can't stand them. I've tried so many times to like them!

Brussels sprouts cooked with bacon? That can be eaten all day. I think as we stop just boiling/frying the hell out of stuff like people used to do we find that some of these things can be pretty good in the right combinations.

Oh god... the stirrings...