Dear Zeus

I think the other thing about One Piece is that Oda knew from the very start that he was going to do an epically long series. So that's maybe why there's so much interconnectedness and not that many forgotten characters like with most long running series. That's sort of why I like it- things feel planned out and

I only buy one game during each sale usually. That's usually because the one game I had my eye on ended up on sale so it's the one I buy. But even if I was in the market for other stuff, the sales lately haven't been so enticing. A lot of stuff is either things I already played or just don't have interest in.

I love Level-5 so I'm hopeful that their social/mobile games are going to be decent or fun. I never bought the full Layton Brothers game but... we'll see what happens.

Exactly. Pokemon already is an MMO, just not in the traditional sense. As you said, you can do everything but wander the overworld online now- and for free. People want to go through dungeons together I guess but... that seems more like it'd be a Mystery Dungeon MMO than anything.

That's what I've gone for in my sci-fantasy game world. Is it realistic? Hah, no. Is it believable in the universe it takes place in? I think it does.

Dragon's Dogma 2 and more Ace Attorney. That's all I want outta Capcom now. :T

I've tried but it's sort of a similar situation. No one wants to pay for artistic stuff. The times I've tried to do commissions received zero responses. The times I've offered free requests I've gotten more responses than slots on my list. Honestly, I'm at a foggy crossroads where I know I can choose to go

Currently I'm trapped because the other things I've tried to pursue have rejected me. Hoping that once January rolls around more opportunities appear.

The first tip is to not have fun! And it all seems like a case of, "Do the one thing no one wants to do at the party- talk about work."

When Conan was dubbed it was on Adult Swim so they'd keep the gun. If it was shown on the CW on a Saturday morning it'd be a horribly drawn in squirt flower.

And like with Yelp, look for patterns and what can be ruled out as personal issues. If one person is complaining that the company is terrible because they don't have blue pens, rule that out. If there are multiple points of salary issues or overworking, there could be an issue.

I really want to do Star Wars themed BBS cosplay with lightsaber Keyblades. Now that Disney owns the Star Warz I think it'd be the perfect chance to do such a thing.

All the Star Wars-y, Indy-y, Marvel-y keyblades!

I find the Swagger one less annoying because they are sometimes cool peeps just a bit too overzealous.

I gave up on BW. But then again I was one of the few who liked Dawn/Hikari and Piplup so I was already biased.

I've become that way with my parents now that I'm in my mid-20s. They taught us to buy our own shit if we wanted it that badly so that's what I do. Then they ask what I want for Christmas/birthdays and I have to go on Amazon and find the things I haven't bought yet.

They also just got Gillian Seed's voice actor to do some lines in character to promote the game. He has now unofficially moved to Neo San Francisco! I really hope they get the rest of their funding. The GaymerX/Midboss team are awesome and this game looks fantastic.

I once had an idea for a music based RPG where different instruments equated to different classes. Buuut I lost my notes somewhere...

Dunno if anyone still cares, but Zone of the Enders HD is 10 bucks on Amazon right now. I ordered it for my boyfriend for Christmas (very early, obviously) since 10 bucks is a steal.

That is the WORST. I decided to stop using recruiters when I was unemployed because they did pretty much nothing without being pestered and when they DID find something I had no way to prepare. They didn't want to lose the sale and risk you going to the company direct so you went in blind or with all your info the