Dear Zeus

Contemplating my WiiU purchase for before Christmas so I can have this as my Christmas party star attraction... Hm...

I said alone but it does vary. I like to poke holes at my ideas and think of worst case scenarios to see if I can plug those holes or find ways to do so. For me, it tends to help me force myself to really come up with something good and that I like rather than something half-assed. Some people don't like that

The issue with the research part is that sometimes you can't get much more than a company website. These days there's tons to find out when the company is somewhat large but if you're interviewing at a small firm or a smaller company in a pretty specific industry, chances are you're not going to find much. I found

It's also hard to stay motivated when you did everything right in school and now people are saying you should have gone just into STEM or tech if you wanted to be successful. Never mind that the boom for STEM and tech started while people like me had already begun their chosen paths and no one foresaw mobile devices

Not to mention that if you're burning out or not able to cope with your current job, quitting likely means you won't even qualify for unemployment. So I think there's a lot of people who have to keep jobs that are doing them more harm than good simply to make ends' meet.

So difficult. Everyone says, "It's in their best interest to train you" which, yes it is, but that's not what employers are doing. The ones who are probably have much happier employees, though. It sucks for people who are good at what they do already but want to transition. It's clear a lot of us have the

What I'm seeing is all startups who want people with more cumulative experience than the founders have total; perfectly doable admin jobs that require x amount of years or y training in z field; and a ton of part time, mediocre paying jobs that would have otherwise been full time jobs years ago.

Don't be afraid to switch careers along the way.

I've definitely heard of that happening to some people.

This implies you have the autonomy to take on those tasks, shift your focus, or to do things to broaden a skill. If you don't have that autonomy, what do you do?

The functional part is key. The roboarm/hand I had was pretty useless to me. The grip was way, way too strong to do anything with and the limited range of motion meant gaming with it (actually, doing anything but hanging off a monkey bar, really) was impossible. It's nice to see how far they're leaping with them

Maybe it's from being one-handed, but I never found the Dualshock to be that bad. It let me use my nub to control the left analog stick easily enough and was small enough that I could do some tactful maneuvers with my right hand to hit the L1/2.

I cannot stress how much talking to your team works for you and everyone involved. If only more people actually did it instead of trying to hide behind closed doors or assumptions all the time.

I find that I can manage some bursts but there are times where it's just one problem after another have no control over. It's exhausting trying to keep yourself in check or finding a way to release it without leaving your desk 3 times an hour. That may be why I'm starting to find the, "Just don't care about it"

I'm afraid that isn't going to be good enough.

I hope you're paying this disgruntled pantry clerk.

I've done something similar while living at home. I put aside some amount from each check into my savings account and keep it roughly level with my checking account. I can still afford to go out and buy fun things but I also have a decent amount of money to fall back on just in case/to build off of in the future.

While I do have to tweak my methods soon, that's sort of how I function. I tell myself X amount is going into savings and I have Y amount left. Then I don't touch X at all because it's been "spent" on savings (weird way to put it but that's how I think of it).

Maybe EA just likes to get off on withholding.

Good thing these rooms aren't big enough to have guests in. Otherwise no one would ever use the toileshowesink.