Dear Zeus

You either get 400 space fleet sims or 400 pixely puzzle platformers.

I'm assuming you'll be able to use any USB controller with the Steam Box? Because I physically can't use that thing at all unless someone hacks control sticks into it.

Shouldn't that be creepier. Second Life is usually pretty creepy. Not even because of the people necessarily. Just the vast amounts of empty space where nothing is happening...

I've never really had an issue with Paypal but a friend of mine cannot add funds to his account. He's called them, provided all of his information, and tried everything to get them to figure out why he's constantly refused and they won't tell him anyway. So there are times where he's purchased one of those preloaded

I think the advice is sound and that the fear can be groundless in some instances. For me, it's the tone used in advice pieces like this that make it come off terribly. Some of us have thought about this stuff AND know there are "better" choices to be made. We just can't necessarily deal with them the minute the

It's fine to say, "We can make due with a little less pay" when you're older, already have money, and might have two incomes due to your spouse. But when you're just starting out, don't have that second income, and don't make much that "little bit" in addition to all the other bills (rent, gas, food, etc.) adds up

I got my current job after going into the interview resigned to getting nothing since I had just come off 2 that hadn't panned out. Sometimes the right mix of halfway decent experience and exhaustion works too!

You can never have too many cardgames in your life...

When I was in school I wrote my entire week's schedule and homework on my whiteboard (having teachers who provided such schedules was a godsend). Now at work I just flag the emails with requests and that's about it. For personal stuff I'll set reminders on my phone. Though oddly enough I prefer paper shopping

I'm... actually sorta excited about this. It'd be nice to see some magical folk traveling to find out more about monsters without Harry and all the crazy evil snakes milling about.

That's the problem with crappy advice. It always just tells you what's trendiest instead of covering more things under the umbrella that is X-degree. Then you realize that Y-path was there all along but no one even hinted at it!

I think this crappy infographic is also not helping the major's case by implying it's a degree that'll just be used by people starting Twitter campaigns.

People I know who majored in Communications are working retail. Maybe they just haven't found the "social network director" jobs? Do they have to invent them themselves?

It can't be outsourced! Until VR or androids become a real threat. Then the strippers will become a rare treat instead of the usual treat.

That's okay. All the gaming shows are on YouTube anyway so I think we're all set. I'd say G4 could be TruTV but at least TruTV makes original programming with a budget of about $4/show.

Whoever designed Kinja is worse than Stalin and Hitler's lovebaby.

I already thought Snake was sexy and then he decided that having Old Man Mustache was a rule. Coulda been a sexy older man in IV but no... no that mustache ruined it...

I 100% see why this is a good idea but it smacks ever more of, "Living solely for the job." Everything we do these days seems to be for the sole benefit of an employer. If you're managing 2 social media accounts of most of the major networks, what's the point? Seems more like a waste of time. And if you're

"Merry Christmas, my lil Pokemon! You're goin' in the Cloud!"

Ugh, yes. I've read all the resume/interview advice and it's now getting so hyper specific that I stopped caring. I just decided to get better at asking questions and trimmed the fat from my resume. It'd be nice if there were more people giving truthful advice to 20-somethings like myself. The one post that was on