Dear Zeus

Totally. If a game had GC controller support, I only used the Wiimote to get the game started. Half because using both controllers or the Wiimote sideways is near impossible (I did play Super Mario Galaxy successfully). Games to be played with the Wiimote sideways so that the D-Pad is used sucks because it is too

Since I'm one handed, the steering wheel actually sorta worked in a really weird way. But I mostly used it when I had to (ie- we were out of GC controllers).

Or you're me and you lock yourself in the bathroom to cry. Yeah it may echo but if you can stay quiet, no one will even notice.

I blame the mid 00's. That's when we were at the height of exclusive wars.

Seriously, people. The DRM shit is going to be enforced by the publishers, not Sony. So if someone like EA wants to make it harder for you to enjoy your games, that's EA's fault. Sony could tell them no and then the publisher can whine that Sony won't let them charge you, jump ship to the Xbox, and then you get

I'm sad and know it's stupid. It's just a holdover from the days of true exclusives. That, "I got this system because of this game" feeling, y'know? It's totally dumb and doesn't matter so I'll get over it.

So sad... maybe they'll talk at Thanksgiving. Just the once.

Right? It's the 90s and I love it.

That's it. Sony vs. Nintendo now. Just like the 90s.

That's what's so annoying about job crap these days. If you're not an emotionless robot they don't want you. Heaven forbid the higher ups hear anything bad about how they're not running things.

Really? The Japanese don't care for the Xbox so they show the Yen sign?

Yeah, I wasn't too upset when they passed. I also did try saying things like, "If I'm given the tools to do X, I can figure it out rather quickly. But management at Y Company did not provide Z." But she really had already made up her mind.

It really depends on the interviewer. I tried rationally explaining to one that the contract job I had was not a good fit since the management of the (tiny) company didn't follow up on promises. I wasn't being trained but was expected to know the products; I was given conflicting tasks constantly; and the main

As a Young Person who was desperate to be employed I put a range that had my base amount as the highest point because I figured places would be cheap enough to think they'd get me as a steal if that number was my highest point. But in that desperation I took a job making $2/hour less than my max and the raise I got

I was wondering why I was getting recommendations from a comment from 8 months ago... Then I come here and see it's due to the old piece being linked as well as lovely hoodies that I also want to purchase.

Seriously, what actual percentage of people read the cover letter? I've been to interviews where it sits on the desk and the interviewer is reading it for the first time. Some had read it so I was totally shocked.

I certainly hope that head is for Halloween. Or I guess a security device for the cookie jar.

I'm fully aware 30 may as well be 0. But as a young gay guy who probably won't ever have kids I'd likely save thousands there. Of course I'd definitely need more than 30 even without the house with the insanity of rent going up and up for seemingly no reason around here.

75k would pretty much mean I'd be rich compared to what I make now. Hell, I'd probably settle for 30k right now...

Quiet, Debbie, the men are talking!