Dear Zeus

Yeah, there seems to be whole lot of music stuff. I think my problem is that when I see something cool I think, "Well I already have x that does y so I don't really need to make z..." Maybe I'll find something eventually.

That is quite a lot of responses. Hooboy.

I sort of want to try a project or two with Raspberry Pi but I really haven't found any projects I think are worth working my way up to (not meaning they aren't worthwhile, but that they're not really anything I'd make use of). Anyone have any fun projects they did?

I still don't know where my copy of Seasons came from. I just found it lying by the dryer in the garage one afternoon and had no idea who had left it there. Could have been a cousin but they never said anything about it. So I thank the phantom who deposited Seasons to my garage floor. There was a save at the final

Exactly the case with my friends who started testing and others employed by tech/techy companies. You get hired on as a contractor and, in some cases, get limited access to things around the office. Plus there really seems to be no intention of hiring anyone on as a full employee. It sucks and clearly no one cares.

I get a half hour so I take a half hour. I need at least that much time of not being at my desk or around people during the 8 hours I'm here. I'm going to eat my leftovers in peace, dammit!

Even if you are under 30 it's not perfect. When you're constantly reminded the workforce doesn't want you and thinks you're not good enough to send a fax you kind of get stuck in the rut anyway.

Same here with CSR (which is just admin with a different name). Not much else to learn since it's all computer based. Not much to discuss with other CSRs. Hell, the only way to get to know some of them is to take up smoking.

We're stuck with OS 10.4 at work. Unless you're one of the, like 3, who got a new laptop. All of our Office software is from 2004.

I started doing that but it never seems to get all the water off. Though my last attempt was far more successful.

My guess? Something awesome.

Are Kalosian NPCs going to complain about Unovians being lazy and fat? Will they consume far too much Coca Cola while on paid vacation? Or will they bake delicious pastries and dazzle us with their art and fanciful Pokemon battling skills?

Sentinels of the Multiverse is fun and starts at 1 player. It's a superhero card game that has everything you'll need in the box and has a lot of fun mechanics that are very easy to pick up and play for just about any age.

Chicken, candy, whatever. That small $8 bag of shitty Jordan Almonds at Cost Plus is the same stuff as the $5 Jumbo Bag you buy as Easter filler because the Snickers Assortment Bag is $15. The same people make that stuff and just get different stickers. I know because I work for BIG STICKER.

Nope. My "passions" aren't "real careers" and don't make "money." So I've currently given up on finding that sort of career.

How dare he make Fitzy remove the boss fight! How. Dare. He!

My boyfriend loves the "NES game." Now I always have to hear, "Hey remember that time where they fought the giant glasses?" or "Remember the fight on top of that train?" when facetiously referencing the book.

The unreleased AAI2 was already a gap in my Ace Attorney game box line up on my shelf. Now I'll have to slip a fake cover into a box I'm not using to show this game on said shelf as well. And treasure that SD card like it's my child.

Now that the 49ers have made traffic even more insufferable in Santa Clara and will likely take over the neighboring theme park which has just now gotten it's shit together after Paramount dumped them, do you think we can expect free Levis at games as compensation for being trapped in absolute gridlock in the south

I hadn't realized my potential in English until I had already finished my degree in Japanese. Looking back I see that I was interested in the subject and good at it... and yet it never even crossed my mind to go into it. So kudos to you for figuring that out and making it work! :D