Dear Zeus

Or work in an office park where a lot of big rig drivers stop in the middle of the street to get into one facility. It's constant weaving around them because they can't/won't move and then wave you forward. I lost my side mirror because I had to pass one and some other junker of a pickup was parked juuust close

The fact that this is so accurate is what hurts most of all.

Okay, this one isn't exactly car related but I find it bizarre. My uncle once got a DUI on a bicycle. I had no idea that was a thing until he told us. Like, it makes sense but you'd never guess that could happen... Thankfully he has no kids to impress such values on.

This post comes as I once again consider starting the webcomic for my blog and sit here thinking I'm not good enough to do it... Stop being psychics, Lifehacker.

I pretty much banned my friends from playing it if I'm in the room. They started to play one evening and the absolutely awful gameplay and incredibly annoying repetitive sounds made me want to chuck the disc out the window. Apparently it gets better?

I'm not sure which is worse- an obvious attempt at a crappy marketing firm to sound hip with phrases like "Fruit forward" or that said marketers likely heard it and the words "creamy mouthfeel" at a restaurant and went with it.

11. We don't have the money. Too bad.

I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100%. I was going to say the same thing but you got to it first and I thank you.

I'm gonna be sad when and if all of this ends. It's just so damn fascinating.

Unless it's specifically asked for, no. The email is usually a short, simple one that contains some of what would go into a cover letter and that's about it. I'm not wasting time on something that's going to get thrown away or not read at all. No matter how many people say it's still important I'm not going to

I'm with him. Inking is the WORST. If I could imagine the panels and have them appear I'd get so much more done.

Can I steal these? Cuz some of them I had also come up with but others are ones I never even thought of. These are perfect for pushing the interview to your side.

Seriously. The job I have is just for the sake of income and I hate it. There really isn't anywhere to advance to either (outside of what I told my boss I hated at both the interview and my year review). I'm definitely using these questions and a few other recent ones posted if I ever manage to interview anywhere

That's a really good tactic. I considered the tour option but you're onto something with the lunchtime appointments.

That assumes you can find something you'd want to do at the job you hate. There's absolutely nothing here I'd want to, or would be allowed to, take on. I could see that if you worked in a decent company that volunteering to help on tasks in a different department might make better use of your time and lead you to be

How is cocksucker winning? Buttfuck is way more useful. You can use it in so many more ways than cocksucker. Plus it has the added benefit of the word "butt" which is always funny.

Yeah, Jesus Christ is WAY more fun to yell. For fuck's sake, why won't people use some goddamn common sense?

Still with the giant pictures? We get it, the internet loves Tumblr. These sites aren't friggin Tumblr. It's impossible to see all the stories now that I have to chug through huge pictures above every single blurb. Plus all that negative space is incredibly annoying and cheap looking. It's great that you want to

Hm... perhaps. Thanks for the idea!

This past month I realized just how much I really hate my job. I'm really desperate to move on to greener pastures as there is really nothing keeping me in this current job but the money (which I'm still making less of now than I did as an intern). My question is- in today's truly awful environment, how can I make a