Dear Zeus

You make a good point there! I played a few patched things back in the day to varying success but it was better'n nothing.

Thank you for being the voice of reason. I seriously just meant that it just doesn't work for 100% of people and yet that seems to be too hard to comprehend. For me, I find that going for walks sparks some ideas just as much as standing in the shower does so I'd venture to say that's far more likely to be my go-to

I never got around to playing that but I just looked it up... it has the voice actors for the original Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh dubs and I kinda want to play it just for that. :I

Even so, for what we missed we still got quite a few. Though it'd be nice to go back and see some of the ones we didn't get released as downloads.

I miss the PS2 era where seemingly every wacky JRPG was brought over. If we got more PC/Mac/Linux ports/originals for decent prices I think we could revive that, "I have no idea what this game is but let's try it" thought process. The DS has been a great spot for JRPGs but after a while you really want to play

I really don't understand why it HAS to work for me. I tried it and found it just doesn't work for me. I said if it works for others, then great. They've found something in it that I didn't. If it doesn't work for me, why should I force it to? For a bunch of people who meditate everyone seems to be pretty damn

I tried different lengths of time, sat in different areas, whatever was suggested. It just made me feel like taking a nap. Like I said, it works for some people. It doesn't have to work for everyone.

It's definitely a Your Mileage May Vary sort of thing. I've tried it but it hasn't helped me a single lick. Other people swear by it. It's just one of those things you should try before you decide whether or not it's worth it.

That's not really what I was going for, but sure. And to value the company as highly as upper management does they have to make it worth something to us drones. The fact that they don't means that we don't care. The owner also is never here and doesn't even know most of our names. I'm also not moving up in this

It is and I'm not surprised by it either.

Ugh, that is awful. If you're going to bother with catering you'd think they'd have some form of free booze.

I figured they would but they didn't adjust for the office workers. The plant workers were already off the clock when the party started so I guess no one thought to double check payroll.

Our Christmas party is a potluck since management is cheap (they catered it -once- years before I ever started). The woman in the office who "organizes" it has brought the easiest possible dish the two years I've been here. It's also during work hours and I got docked because I clocked out when the party was over 15

The company my mom works for used to do company picnics in the cheapest places possible. It was usually one step above potluck. Now they don't do anything at all. Meanwhile, the company my dad works for had awesome picnics at the local theme park or wildlife park without any pressure to actually interact with the

The brain is a fickle organ, my friend. But if we combined ours together we could do all of the puzzles!

This happens to me all the time but with stuff they do make smaller packages of. Whenever I'm baking I always seem to end up at the store when they're out of the two-stick boxes of butter so I have to get the full 4 and end up with 2.5 sticks that I'm going to forget about.

It is a pretty good feeling. Though there's also the matter of finding the right nerd/geek for you as well. I had a couple exes who played MMOs or whatever while I did not. It wasn't usually an issue unless they were playing while we were supposed to be doing stuff together.

The Japanese show they cut and paste Power Rangers from.

I guess that's part of why I'm dating a fellow nerd. I don't expect him to give up his hobbies and he doesn't expect me to give up mine since we pretty much have the same ones (except he's a sentai guy and I'm a not-sentai guy so there's that). But hey, you can't necessarily expect to only date someone who is

Totally agree about the business stuff. Trying to start one is like trying to climb a mountain with some floss and an toy hammer so some real-world, truthful advice would be nice to see.