Dear Zeus

I actually like the logic puzzles more than the physical or spatial ones. I usually find the "Who's Lying?" or "Who Is Person X?" puzzles easier than trying to imagine the sides of a cube when it's unfolded or those goddamn matchsticks from the first game.

What I don't get is why it's so pricey. Where I live really doesn't have much going for it and yet prices are as high as it if were a major city. Just existing in a sort-of-close proximity to SF apparently justifies high prices? Higher building costs means higher housing costs? Gremlins?

Well them seniors gotta have fun too I guess! XD

I agree that how it looks is important. If it looks like a dump why would you want to spend money on it every month or come home to it? If you can afford to live somewhere that is either at least decent or where the landlord would allow you to upgrade stuff out of your own pocket I say totally go for it.

I've painted many rooms so I'm used to it and know how to do it. It just seems like a lot of landlords are against you making your space aesthetically pleasing.

As I look for a decent apartment here in the Bay Area (which is impossible if you aren't rich), this is something I've been dreading. I've been in apartments that friends rent and it's -always- the same situation. A horribly outdated kitchen, a bathroom that seems more at home in a seedy motel, cheap doors, and

I work in the print industry and this kind of stuff happens a lot when clients don't look at their art proofs. We once had a client print a senior citizen community newspaper ad with the wrong phone number... it went to a sex line instead of whatever health care line they were trying to inform people of.

Go us! XD

Exactly! Civilization is perfect for us. I've also found "slower" games are okay. I've managed to play the original Knights of the Old Republic okay since combat is quasi-turn based. Though anything other than that I tend to ignore or play a console version of.

I use it to sign in/out of my normal account and my blog account. Other than that I just use the omnibar cuz it's the future.

I'm missing half of my left arm! Which, in a way, isn't as bad because I can use the elbow and what little of the arm is past the elbow to control analog sticks and somewhat control D-Pads. But like you I've found some recent games impossible to play. I'm never picking up Kid Icarus because I physically cannot play

I walk for exercise but I absolutely hate it. I think knowing there's a start and end point is what makes me hate it. I notice the pain in the ankle/calf area, I feel like I'm not going fast enough even though the pedometer says I am, and I just want it to be over with the minute I start. But this past weekend I

Right? My last two reviews were glowing but I have negative interest in this position/company. Sadly I can't think of anything else I could/would want to do so I'm stuck.

70% Kindle, 27% Tabletop RPG management, 2% Netflix, 1% miscellaneous tasks.

Nope, I wondered it as well. Research perhaps? Lost on the Holodeck? I dunno.

If you absolutely had to fart in public would you rather do so in an elevator or on a plane? In an elevator everyone will likely know it was you but it's a short ride so you can book it out of there. In a plane only those around you will probably suspect you but you're trapped on that sucker for at minimum an hour.

A lot of this is sort of common sense but I can see where my fellow grads might now understand that. Then again I worked in offices before graduating so I knew what to expect for the most part.

That's one of the biggest reasons I go for walks outside than go to the gym and get on the treadmill. If I feel like giving up somewhere I can't because there's no way back except to keep moving. It's far better incentive than running on the treadmill and then getting bored. Plus it's free.

Call me nuts but I actually do like watching stuff live. But it sucks when you have friends like the Spoilers people on Portlandia who will take forever to watch something because they refused to even just DVR a show so there's no one to discuss it with.

I'm still laughing at it. I'm never going to see a tie ever again.