
Is nobody else concerned that at one point, this game should've been out by April/May, and that now it's just two months away, and yet we've still seen practically nothing of it? We've seen a few far-too polished trailers, but no real footage. We've seen more of PS4 games that are still a year away than we have of

You shouldn't ask someone that, it's not safe anymore, he could get arrested if he says yes. x_X

That's a brave, brave thing to say. I hope you sufficiently charged your flame shield, because you've probably got a storm heading your way!

You're not even wrong! They've only been made because they were cheap to make, given that they could constantly re-use assets and use the same engine, meanwhile FFXV was costing them an absolute fortune. They've needed the easy money from XIII-2 and Lightning Returns to bankroll their "real" Final Fantasy game; you

I wouldn't waste your time on the other two. The hate of the other two goes beyond a vocal minority of "angry FFVII fans" as the other guy said. To put it into perspective, XIII sold like hotcakes on the strength of all the older games, but XIII-2 was then the worst-selling game in the series, since it went global

I'm surprised that anyone would consider XIII''s battle system the best, given how little control it provided the player. Gone are the days of, "Which spells should I use to best this opponent?", because instead, your AI buddies simply spam every single one under the sun and you don't have to put in a single thought.

At least the PSPGo had the clear purpose of being a more compact, portable device with a digital focus to ensure all content is on the machine as well, making it far more portable than the original PSP was with a pocket-friendly form factor and no need to haul games around. Sure, it was a massive failure, but it had

Sorry to hear about your glitches, but at least you're still enjoying it. And the multiplayer, damn, isn't it great? I wasn't expecting much at all given that they didn't release a single screenshot or trailer for it until like two weeks before release, but it's so, so good. I haven't been that engrossed in a

I don't think that's a fair thing to say. The Last of Us, despite a few weird glitches, is still one of the most polished games released in a long, long time. And Uncharted 3 had its problems, but none of them were due to divided resources, they were mostly poor direction. It seems like the only plan then had for

Really? I hadn't heard anything like that. That's pretty shocking really. I'm not at all surprised by the way they abandoned their core audience for the Kinect market, but it surprises me that they've even bailed out on retailers so early.

It's pretty sad that through Kinect and now Kinect 2, this is genuinely the best and most useful feature that's ever been provided for the cameras.

I think the 360's been heading that way for a while. Whilst Sony kept supporting the PS3 stronger than ever through the PS4 reveals and hype-train, Microsoft seemed to kill off 360 support before "Xbox One" was even a thing.

Gotta go with The Last of Us, with a special second place for Ni No Kuni.

Great posts, I was hoping someone would come back with a well-thought out response after the guy came out with "Story-telling is my specialty and this ending SUCKS."

That sums it up pretty well! I really loved the ending. It was a satisfying conclusion to the story, and yet it left me feeling conflicted, wondering if that was the right thing to do or not. It was such a terribly selfish thing to do; damning humanity's hopes of survival just to save one girl, purely because he

Goddamnit. I'd planned to play the shit out of The Last of Us online after work.

Well it sounds like it'd definitely be a good idea, given your interests. The best bit is, that you'll be getting a PS3 at its cheapest price ever, and most of the games you'll be after should be dirt cheap because they'll have been out for years! My top picks would definitely be;

Whilst I can understand your view completely, I also wouldn't agree with it, personally. Like some others have said, once that mystery is out of the bag and literally spelled out for me, I lose a lot of interest. I don't want to know why this awful thing has happened, because quite often, it's not knowing that makes

I don't think anyone's quite mentioned this, but Cordyceps - the infection in The Last of Us - is a real thing. It's a parasitic fungal infection that takes hold of animals (insects, mainly) and develops through their brain and body, often causing them to go batshit crazy and kill their own kind or even themselves.

Exactly, NSMB2 looked just like the other ones, had the same world themes, same number of worlds and levels, the only big difference was that it had more coins. Brilliant. I'm sure it's still great fun to play, as Mario games always are, but it's not worth paying £30 for. The worst bit is that Nintendo titles never