
Hey, I'm not a fan of those either, don't get me wrong.

"All I see is someone trying to validate there point. Just use while whilst is rarely used anymore."

So far this just guarantees that I won't be buying a Wii U. I've loved Nintendo in the past, but these days all of their games just feel like their old SNES or N64 games, I've played all these games before, only I liked them far more back then. That's fine, I'd accepted that I'd just moved on, but I was still holding

Oh, no, you should still be fine with Versus. I've tracked it through the years, and it's the most Final Fantasy Final Fantasy game they've made for a long, long time. It's taken so long because it's so ridiculously ambitious, it's going to be massive. Unless they've scrapped ideas and changed things (it looks like

Oh man, the free games. I've easily had £300 worth of free games since becoming a member, it's ridiculous value. Not old games either, but the likes of Hitman Absolution, Arkham City, Sleeping Dogs, Red Dead Redemption, Kingdoms of Amalur, LBP Karting, Uncharted 3 and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. So much value for money that

Oh God yes. FFXII was the most bold, creative, ambitious and brave game they've made for a long, long, long time. They managed to modernise and streamline the franchise, without compromising its integrity or depth. It was still distinctively Final Fantasy, only smoother, quicker and more seamless than ever, without

No, not every game will have it. In fact I'm sure that very few will do, you know why? Because nobody's going to be stupid enough to support dick moves like that and 24 hour validation, so within a few months all the major publishers will shit the bed at how poorly the Xbox One and their games have sold, and do a

Honestly, the lack of DRM and restrictions on used games were enough to "win" E3, but then you pair that news with games like inFamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 as well as the news that it's $100 cheaper than the Xbox One, and, well, yeah, they "won". Hands down. No

Where did you see that PS+ for Online Play was a squashed rumour? It's true. It was right there in their press conference under the benefits of PS+, and then it was backed up by the video they released around the same time.

A lot of people simply don't consider the Wii U to be "next-gen", because really, it was Nintendo playing catch up with the PS3 and 360, rather than leapfrogging them entirely. It's old hardware that just happens to have a tablet controller. And as we know from experience, and has been proven true already with the Wii

I don't know, "won" implies some competition, I've seen none of that today!

He only designed some characters for FFXIII, and his input on the "other" KH games was minimal as he wasn't directing them. His work on KH1 and KH2, FFVII and his other main games has been stellar. And just look at all the footage and interviews for VersusXIII/XV - it looks and sounds perfect. He knows exactly what's

They announced that at the console's reveal event; it's 500GB. Not sure if it's replaceable.

Oh, hands down. Microsoft are actually, well and truly fucked.

Thanks for sharing that view, it's interesting to hear from a non PS+ member on the topic. Given that I've had Plus for 18 months it doesn't matter to me in the slightest, so it's interesting to hear from non-members who are actually affected by this.

Haha, you're not wrong. I'd say Sony just walked all over Microsoft in every way. And at £350, I can happily buy one at launch. £430 for a machine that restricts my digital rights? Not happening.

And it does, thankfully. Last I heard, there was a headset in every box, too. :)

Agreed. PS+ is the best money I spend each year, given that this month alone I get Kingdoms of Amalur, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 3, LBP Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I don't know why you wouldn't get PS+!

I'm certainly fine with it, and I'm sure others will be too, compared to the atrocities of the Xbox One.

That's a good way to think about it. I just hope people see the benefits of PS4 over Xbox One, because the no DRM stuff right there was just golden.