Definitely. PS+ is really good value anyway, it's just a shame that Sony had that piece of bad news after an hour and a half of pure win.
Definitely. PS+ is really good value anyway, it's just a shame that Sony had that piece of bad news after an hour and a half of pure win.
Brilliant, then enjoy your DRM-free, game-sharing future, my friend!
Oh, I agree! PS+ is the best subscription service I've ever used, it's provided more value than I can even comprehend, and will continue to for years yet, even more so with PS4. Sadly, a lot of non-PS+ members aren't going to take the news so well.
Well, I'm absolutely sold. Sony's conference just crushed Microsoft's; cheaper, more consumer-friendly, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, inFamous, Killzone, The Order, that's enough for me. Fuck. Yes.
Almost flawless. Paid online multiplayer is pretty bad, sadly. I already have PS+, and always will because it's already fantastic value, so it doesn't matter to me, but it's still a big change.
You don't need to seek confirmation, they said as much right there in the conference.
I've been a ridiculously happy PS+ member for 18 months now, so the "bad news" half of this doesn't bother me, as I'd never have let my PS+ subscription run up anyway, but it's still pretty bad news.
It's much different. This one's an action RPG, so fights take place within the world rather than seperate areas, and you retain full control of your character. It's fast paced and it looks incredible, but it should still be distinctively Final Fantasy. None of the other Final Fantasy games play quite like this one,…
Absolutely fantastic news. Not so great that multiplayer is now held behind PS+, but honestly, PS+ is so fucking good that you'd be daft to not use it anyway, I've been a member for well over a year now and given that the sub works across all three platforms, I'm not stopping any time soon. And hey, all single-player…
Absolutely. The only thing they could've done to make it better would be to announce FFXII HD and a Western Vita release of Type-0! But hey, they have their own event lined up for tomorrow or the day after, so maybe we'll get more, or at least more info on XV. :D
This trailer and the KH3 announcement were SO GOOD that I've since stopped watching, despite being really keen for AC4 and Watch Dogs. I'm too busy dancing around the house, at 3.30am. ;D
The big fuss is that about seven years ago, FF Versus XIII was announced. It then never released. The trailer you just saw was the first time we've seen Versus XIII for at least two years, and now it's Final Fantasy XV. It's a game that people have been waiting for for seven years ago, and it looks incredible.
Oh fuck yes. That's what I was looking for. Square, you've redeemed yourselves. PS4? Consider yourself bought.
After years of bitching about them, I think they actually just redeemed themselves. Versus exists! IT LIVES! AND IT LOOKS GLORIOUS! Our faith and patience have paid off!
...That was kinda the problem, given that nobody even knew that until the game released.
Well, they did, and they didn't. They showed off some great games, it's just a shame that their biggest (in my opinion being Titanfall and MGS5) are both available elsewhere, leaving me with very little reason to buy an Xbox One.
The sports section in the middle bored my ass off, but for the most part, they did an amazing job; Dragon Age, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Mirror's Edge 2, Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Titanfall, Need for Speed, there was some great stuff in there!
To be fair, he was saying that Microsoft's press conference was better, not their game lineup.
Titanfall, Mirror's Edge 2, Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Need for Speed: Rivals, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, well played, EA. Well played! Some seriously good-looking games in there, and some lovely surprises as well.
I'd say party chat had a lot to do with it, honestly. That's a main reason why people chose to pay for online multiplayer with the 360, rather than use free PSN access with a PS3.