
I know, it's a bit strange really. This could be a real system seller, but the fact that it's on PC and 360 just means nobody is going to buy a Xbone for it. I guess Respawn know that making it an Xbone exclusive would mean very, very meager sales. This way, Microsoft still get to say "Xbox Exclusive" (even though not

Oh, it's definitely big news. The developers behind what's become the biggest franchise in the industry are making a new game that could easily be just as big, and it's not on PlayStation 4. That's the real news here; it's on the 360, Xbox One and PC, but not Sony machines.

Well, that's a pretty big win for Microsoft. The fact that it's on the 360 and PC means it's far, far from a big system seller for the Xbox One, but it's a big "win" all the same. I can't see myself ever getting an Xbox One, and my PC struggles to play anything this side of Morrowind, so I'll likely miss out on this

Okay, Mr Pedantic, I should've added, "Since it became a global franchise with FFVII back in 1997".

Unless Sony fuck up royally at E3, I'll be buying a PS4 as close to launch as I can afford to. Over the last three generations, I've played my respective PlayStation console every day, I've never not had one hooked up, whilst their Nintendo/Microsoft rivals got played maybe once every six months. I'll always try and

Easy; money. They made XIII-2 because most of the assets for it were already made; they re-used loads of elements of XIII, and there was a fuckton of cut content that never made it into XIII, so they used that as a starting point to. It was cheap and quick to make, which gave them a healthy profit, despite it being

Psh, you don't need a flame shield for loving FFXII, that was one of the most courageous, refreshing games I've ever played. That game modernised the Final Fantasy experience without compromising its traditional values, depth or integrity. If XIII had continued in that direction we'd have all been so much better off

You'd think so, but it wasn't much different the year before that, either. It's hard to put on a great show when hardcore exclusive titles are the least of your concerns; more entertainment apps that aren't locked behind a paywall elsewhere, and games that are also available elsewhere just aren't going to excite

That'd be the best thing for them to do. The Basic model has always been a waste of everyone's time and money, and if they can come out at E3 and say, "No more Basic model, buy the Deluxe version for the same price instead!" then it'll do wonders for them, especially on the back of the seven new Mario titles they're

Given that Microsoft have already confirmed that they're taking a cut of the re-sale fee, I'd definitely say they're benefitting as well, even though they have no real right to. They've already made millions by charging people for services that are free on every other internet-enabled device under the sun, and now

Microsoft will have to do a lot more than that. The 360 only really ever took off because it launched a year ahead of the PS3, was always cheaper, and had a party chat feature whilst the PS3 did not - making it the better place to play online with friends. This time, they're launching at roughly the same time, the PS4

You're not wrong, it's obviously a much bigger issue. But, it was something that happened once, Sony came clean, apologised, took action to ensure greater security was in place for the future as well as rewarding all of their customers with free games and even financial security programs where available. Microsoft, on

But that's actually a load of bollocks. Whilst PSN was taken offline for a month for Sony to repair the damage, I've never once heard of anyone that actually received financial harm from the hack, not so much as a single person on Kotaku coming out to say, "I just had my money taken as a result of my PSN account being

It was pretty bad. I can see that they'd want to save their big game news and reveals for E3, that'll do much better to compete with Sony's showing, but still, how could they possibly think it's okay to announce a new games console without any actual game footage? It's ridiculous, it really is. And no, Microsoft, I

I really wouldn't have thought so, though. Whilst the Wii and 360 both had massive piracy issues, as well as the DS and PSP, the PS3 was always a safe haven. It took years for hackers to gain any real traction at all, and even then it amounted to nothing. Piracy has never been an issue for the PS3, so that wouldn't

Oh, it's probably not a perfect plan by any means. But it's a way to address concerns of backwards compatibility, whereas Microsoft have come out and said that "Wanting backwards compatibility is just backwards", openly insulting the wants of their audience.

haha, no no. I was rushing home from work to watch the Xbox reveal, I got in about 10 minutes after it started and started watching as soon as I could, only to see a good 15 minutes of how great it is to watch TV on Xbox One! With Voice Commands! AND GESTURES! WHILST USING SKYPE AND WATCHING MOVIES!

Actually, I'd argue that the difference is that with The Pirate Bay, a product has been bought once and shared to millions of people, whereas a used game has been bought once and sold to maybe two other peopple. Those people then may well buy DLC for the game, or have activated an Online Pass for multiplayer, gone on

I buy my games new too, but there's a more obvious disadvantage to it than that; many, many, many gamers, can only afford new games, because they've traded their old ones in. This move by Microsoft will greatly reduce the value of trade-ins, which means those gamers will be able to get far less money to put towards

Hard to get excited about, given that Muramasa was on the Wii, and that Dragon's Crown is also on the PS3, but without the Cross-Buy feature anyway, forcing me to pick one or the other! I'm sure they'll both be great games, but it's genuinely just exclusives that the Vita sorely needs; games we've not played before,