
I've got to agree, sadly. I'm trying to keep an open mind and not judge it until we've seen the games promised for E3, but even if they're fantastic, I don't think it'll be enough to make up for all the anti-consumer bullshit we'll have to deal with in order to enjoy those games. I don't want Kinect. I don't want to ne

Pretty much. Sony have always been focused on the games, and their PS4 event proved that. The only features they spoke of were gaming features; Sharing, Gaikai, PS4-Vita streaming, and they gave a huge live demo of Killzone: Shadow Fall and spent the whole event talking about games, how new features can improve

Where have you been for the last three years? Microsoft completely abandoned "the people who got them here" back in 2010 as soon as they launched Kinect. They instantly stopped securing third-party exclusives, and even developing their own, leaving their main audience that made them a success with just two exclusives

Oh, I'm absolutely being skeptical. As for Sony's event, they announced Knack, inFamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Drive Club as PS4 exclusives, giving us plenty to enjoy and think about at the time, whilst leaving plenty for their E3 event, too, especially given that FFVersus XIII/FFXV is all but

I'm not entirely sure if you're serious or not. In case it wasn't painfully obvious, I was joking, I was being sarcastic. I thought the lack of games was absolutely tragic. Most of the game reveals seemed to be pre-rendered footage, and the reveals themselves were largely sports and Call of Duty, which we always knew

lmao, I love it. I think you've cracked the mystery of why they were happy with the console despite it being anti-Gamestop. You're probably not even wrong. It would make so much sense.

Absolutely. My childhood was spent passing games between my friends, to get different experiences and see what we really liked. I remember when I first borrowed Final Fantasy VII from my best friend. I didn't get it at all, I was too young to understand, but a few years later I borrowed FFVIII and loved every minute

Oh yeah, just whip your $500 console in a bag and transport it all over the place just to let your friend play your latest game and share that experience.

We already know that Sony aren't doing the same, they've said it's anti-consumer, so at least we're safe on that front. Between that, the fact that the PS4 doesn't require an internet connection to function, and the likely event that online multiplayer will still be free, I think the PS4 should still be a safe haven

I'm not sure they'd allow that, as it would bypass the whole system and render it useless anyway. There'd likely be a limit to the consoles you can activate your account on, or something. When asked if you could play your game at a friend's house, Phil Harrison himself said, basically, "No, they'll have to pay for

Right here on Kotaku;

So far I think the PS4 doesn't require an internet connection at all, and it doesn't do anything to block used games, so basically, Microsoft sold a whole lot of PS4s today.

I don't know, I'd say the target demographic is everyone. They want Skype and TV features for the general family, they want Kinect and its casual games for the kids, they want sports games for the casual sport gamers, they want Call of Duty for the teenage demographic, and other games for "everyone else".

Yeah, that sounds fair. I'm not going to hold them to anything until E3. So far, they've made me vote "hell no" on the platform, but that won't be set in stone until E3.

I see your point, but I have to disagree slightly. The Last of Us is being made by Naughty Dog's B-Team, and it's their A-Team that made the Uncharted games. Uncharted 3 came out in 2011, the same year as Killzone 3 by Guerrilla and inFamous 2 by Sucker Punch, and of course Guerrilla and Sucker Punch both have launch

Yeah, Phil Harrison himself has come out and said that you can't lend games to a friend without paying a fee, he implied the fee would be the full price of the game, too. I can understand the need for that, if you need to install the game and then don't need the disc, then lending the game out would lead to rampant

Because people buy games consoles to watch TV, duh. I thought that much was obvious...

Really? You're joking, right? The following lists are for games that don't require Kinect or Move, and are therefore aimed at the typical gamer that made the 360 and PS3 a success before such casual devices were ever released.

Which is precisely why I called their contribution utterly unnecessary. ;)

You know what my best Xbox memories are? Having a friend take his copy of Halo and other games to our other friend's house and playing for hours and hours. Nobody will be able to tell that story about the Xbox One, which really, is pretty depressing. Age-old gamer traditions are being killed off by this console.